
Thursday, October 24, 2013

It Was A Grueling Month

Have you noticed that I haven't posted for like a whole month? YIKES! I know, and I'm sorry Misfits. I tried, but how could I even focus writing for my blog when I can hardly focus on the two case studies, a learning system design, a compilation of broadcast scripts (Comm student, remember?), a wicked proposal, visual design requirements, and two major exams from minor subjects. UGH! I wanted to die! 

One instance that I was able to experience, for the very first time of my wicked life, is staying up till five in the morning, just to write and finish my paper. I was pushed waaaaay into the edge of my mind, forcing me to "WAKE UP B! WAKE UP! Y'ain't done yet!" 

Charlie's a guy though Jayvee. It's weird calling him a B. LOL!

As much as I wanted to pluck my brain out of my head, t'was too powerful. Even with my weakening body, my mind continued on for me till the break of dawn. Brain, Thank You! 
Also, I'd like to make a special thank you to COFFEE, particularly NESCAFE (Advertising oh! Don't sue me!!! :)) You helped me out a lot that night but you had me shaking. You have bad after effects, I'll tell you that. LOL!
Photo Credits to Oykunil

The same went on for my other requirements, "requiring" me to stay up till who know's what time that is and put me on zombie mode... Tired as f*ck!

This zombie's still pretty cute. I wasn't...

But thankfully, I was able to survive! I didn't even think I could. I'm quite surprised by myself. *pats myself on the back*

For that one whole month of tiring requirements, I say with GLEE, HURRAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Thank God! 

Uhm, this doesn't really suggest GLEE. But you know what I mean...

I loved every bit of this semester, no matter how tiring it was. I hated a ton of things too, but heck, I could just throw that out of the water and it wouldn't matter either way. 
There are so many people to thank. I'd like to thank all of my professors, friends, non-friends, and every single photocopying and computer shops around the school area! You guys are all awesome!

All my wish now, is that my grades are okay and that I could go on taking the next semester with no worries.

Till next semester, MISFITS!

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