
Friday, February 7, 2014


Hello fellow MISFITS and BOOK NERDS!!! Now is a very special blog post coz I say it is! LOL! This is the very first episode of BOOK NERD SPECIALS. HAHA! Tis will feature authors, characters and we'll either talk about him/ her or anything special! Got it? GOOD!

Anyway, if you've read my previous posts on my THE MISFIT DIARY section or my BOOK NERD section, you'd find that I did a short post on my meet with the author of If I Stay, Where She Went, Just One Day and Just One Year, Gayle Forman! And here's a bit more of the deeds of that day!!!

(Photo Credits to me, Eriele and Ate Jho! Thanks sooo much)

(The venue was sooo cozy)

That was January 18, 2014. The venue was at Glorietta, in Makati! I didn't exactly know how to get to the venue, but I knew how to ride an MRT to Ayala, so at least, I felt that I was safe! 

(Pretty Lil' Mermaid Eriele, my sweet book nerd buddy!)

This girl is the reason why I traveled all the way from home in order to meet Gayle! HAHAHA! We planned this for a long time, and we can't exactly pass it up, can we!? Thanks Eriele!

Gayle then, arrives at the venue! The crowd was soooo loud, I can't even! She was soo responsive and sweet towards her fans. 

She was also very eager to answer questions from fans! Unfortunately, they only allowed 3 people to ask, and I didn't get a chance. I was also very shy and nervous! I wasn't as FANEY (fangirlish) as some of the others, coz I've only read one book! But as she talked on and told her history as a writer for magazines and an author of YA novels, I understood her struggles and how she managed to follow her dreams! And she told us to follow ours! She inspired me from that 1st hour! SHE BECAME ONE OF MY HEROES.

So the signing started after the forum. There was a huge pack of people! And to be honest, t'wasn't exactly fun being #508.. Errrr...

But these guys made it all worthwhile! I thought that I would only be hanging out with Eriele that day, but through her, and also my incessant, annoying self (HAHAHA), I gained a numerous amount of friends in a few hours! They are the most spontaneous, wild and sweetest fangirls I've ever met! 
Thanks to Alia, Nina, Armi, Joana, Ate Jho, Jasmine, Ate Kae, and of course sweet, sweet Eriele! :)

(Silly moment with Alia)

After 4 hours of waiting, I finally got on line and got a photo with GAYLE FORMAN! ACK!!!! HAHAHA! Though honestly she just had her eyes closed here, I just imagine to myself, how much she loves hugging me! HAHAHA! She's the sweetest thing on the planet.


Me: HI GAYLE! How are you?
Gayle:  HEY! GOOD! *signs my book*
Gayle: Awwww! Thank you so much! 

It was a short convo, but it definitely made me feel extremely happy and all the waiting was worth while! I ended up sharing a ride with Ate Jho and Jasmine who were heading home. I thank them for actually waiting for me, coz I was sooooooo alone! <3 I went home euphoric about everything.

So I went home to Batangas a few days after, and bought Where She Went (If I Stay sequel) before heading  off.

I was really #508 if you didn't want to believe! :)

And that is Gayle's signature! Coz it was late, she wasn't able to write my name in. But I'm still glad she had so much energy still. I blame the organizers.. LOL!
AND LOOK! If you can make it out, on the sticky note, I wrote JAYVEE , THE MISFIT WRITER. I was supposed to have her write that, but yes, TIME!

HAHA! So I already apologize for my face and also my dad's rack of clothes on the background! HAHA! I will read Where She Went very soon! I'll write a review for both books, soon! :)

Follow Gayle Forman on Twitter: @gayleforman
Follow National Book Store on Twitter: @nbsalert ----Thanks NBS! <3
Also follow the beautiful people of Gayle Forman PH on Twitter! : @GayleFormanPH

So MISFITS! That's it for our BOOK NERD SPECIIIIAL! YAY! Next book nerd special will be on soon! And it's gonna feature a character! YAY!

ALSO! I'm excited to meet MITCH ALBOM!!! WOOOOO! FEB 22! HERE I COME! WAAAA! Another special for that too! <3

Thanks MISFITS for bearing with my weirdness for this while! :) I'm a UNICORN TOO!

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