
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

No One Like Benedict Cumberbatch

I have outlived this moment where I share with you Misfits my love for dear, sweet, sexy, Benedict Cumberbatch. I adore the man! If I have to have any basis to the man I might ever want in my life, it might be someone like my father, my uncle, Abed Nadir or Benedict Cumberbatch.

As many might have already concurred, he is not the classic kind of handsome. He doesn’t really have that chiseled jaw or anything but he is beautiful in my opinion, even perfect as an actor. He’s played a conman, a troubled man who plays the piano, a war general, a paralyzed genius, a monster, a dragon, KHAN, and of course, his most known role so far, SHERLOCK.

My first encounter with Benedict would have to be Atonement first, then I’ve seen him in House and from then been allured by him, though not as much as I have been since I met him as the arrogant, exciting and clever Sherlock Holmes. One thing is for sure, I am drawn to wit, and no doubt his beautiful chameleonesque eyes. Please. If I were to be stuck in an island with him, with no food, I think I’d be satisfied just staring at how his eyes actually change color. They are beautiful and what every Cumberbabe and Cumberbitch believes to be his #1 asset.

He has a mysterious charm about him that I cannot pin point. It’s also his voice I must blame too, I think. It’s deep and very sexy, and yes, British. It’s like velvet passing through my ears, it’s that wonderful.

He’s also quite the funny man! He talks very coyly and witty in his interviews for films, or discussions about Sherlock and is quite receptive of internet memes of him flocking the social media world. In some ways, I don’t blame him for not having a Twitter account. 

It’s not safe. I agree with my own statement, because I might end up as a threat to him as well, because I might just say good morning, good evening or good night to him, in a constant, everyday basis. Yes, this mindset is not very healthy. Anyway, he’s also good with the fans that he meets during red carpet events or meet and greets.

My friend from Australia, who got to go to Oz Comic Con in Adelaide, met with the man himself as he did a talk there. How I wish I lived in Australia. Anyway, Sammie was kind enough to include me in her book which she made for Benedict that included fans from all over the world. Thank you Sammie! And lucky you!

One day, I swear, I will meet him, shake hands with him, hug him and speak as fast as he can as Sherlock and tell him everything I can to show him how much he means to me, both as a viewer of his show and movies, and an avid fan of him as a person. I think my Momma Joan could agree with this! She's the first Cumberbae I've ever met, and it is always cray-cray when we talk about him!

To you, Benedict Cumberbatch, who may not actually be getting to read this dedication for him, but hopefully he may reign supreme and leave an honorable mark in the world of good entertainment.

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