
Friday, May 9, 2014

See-Ster's #TFIOS Giveaway

I was given the opportunity to do this guest post for See-Ster's! They are hosting a #TFIOS Giveaway for the month of May! WHOOOOPIE!!! Who wouldn't want this!? And since the premiere of #TFIOSMovie is next month, they are generous enough to give away this wonderful pair of Okay?Okay shoes, customized by them!

To join in, simply like their Facebook page:

Follow them on Twitter: @SeeSters_

One lucky winner will be chosen on May 30, 2014. Remember to join in  this wonderful giveaway! Thanks to Anette of Anette The Wicked for giving me the rights to promote this! Have fun with this awesome giveaway Misfits and #TFIOS fans!

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