
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Stacking The Shelves #2: Generosity And Deals

Stacking The Shelves is a feature hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers share what books (both physical and digital) they received, won, bought, and borrowed.

So this is the second episode of Stacking The Shelves for me!!! *throws confetti* I should have updated this a long time ago, but unfortunately, having a camera around Manila was something I could not ask for even if my sister and my cousins were loaded on phone cameras and stuff. I was just a little sad to borrow it. I promise you. It ain't pride. I was just embarrassed. 

Anyway, here are the stuff I've scavenged around April and May! 


Out of Oz by Gregory Maguire
Atonement by Ian McEwan

Thanks to Supriseoutofboxes on Facebook, I scored me a copy of Gregory Maguire's Out of Oz for less than $10!!! Isn't that a sweet deal!? Also Atonement by Ian McEwan is something I'm looking forward to read. I have seen the movie though, and since this is the movie tie-in version, I think I know what's gonna happen. But this copy is still sooo good and it was affordable too! 

I also got Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell, but it is on the borrowing pile. It's with Momma Joan. I'm sure you already know who she is but for those who don't, I suggest you check my book signing recaps.


The Good Luck of Right Now by Matthew Quick

I won this copy of Matthew Quick's The Good Luck of Right Now through Chrystal of Snow Drop Dreams!!! Much thanks to Chrystal for helping me with the process. I was so stupid for not seeing that it was a US/CAN giveaway. The lucky thing is that my aunt lives in Las Vegas, so she got to ship it there! YAAY!


Book of The Dead by Patricia Cornwell
Sudden Threat by A.J. Tata
The End of Everything by Megan Abbott
The Song of Troy by Colleen McCullough
Tempting Evil by Allison Brennan

I never expected so many human being in this world to be soooo generous. Old or new books, I don't mind reading them at all! I got these during the VTR signing... *throws confetti*. Special Thanks to Alia for giving me The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest. It's exactly what I needed. And to Coleen, who went her way to give me five of her old books!!! I love you both very much!


Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff
These Broken Stars by Aimee Kaufman

I am telling you, Nicole of The Twins Read, is so amazing that she allowed me to borrow these books! OH MY GOSH! I'm excited to read them Jay Kristoff novels! <3 It's a girl with a samurai sword!!! OH GOSH! Thank you for all the fluffy feels on Twitter! I love you very much and I will see you at Jenny Han's event okay? Also, thanks to your wonderful calligraphy! Maybe I'll laminate it and use it as a bookmark!

For Review (May-July)
* this list of course may change in the course of tiem

The Polaris Uprising by Jennifer Ibarra
Counting To D by Kate Scott
Riot by Sarah Mussi (I'm sorry, I didn't get to review this sooner)
Adaptation by Malinda Lo (I'm sorry I didn't get to review this sooner)
Ask Again Later by Liz Czusak
Coin Heist by Elisa Ludwig
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Plus One by Elizabeth Fama
The Moment Collector by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Much love to the publishers who sent me e-ARCS of the books! Also, thank you to Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again for the copy of The Polaris Uprising for the tour! Much love! 

So tell me, what books are in your shelves! Share them through the comments! I'm sure I'd love to read them too!

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