
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Tunes Pod June Special: 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER

I have been into this one band lately called 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER. If you don't know them, I don't blame you but you should definitely, definitely check them out. IT'S A MUST I TELL YOU! A MUST!

At first, I did not really give much thought about them probably because I was into that Imagine Dragons/Paramore mode that I did not notice that these boys would soon ruin my entire life... my music experience I mean.

I blame the television for playing SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT on loop! Like, both music channels I scan towards, they'd play the song like, every minute! Freakin' life was dominated by "SHE LOOKS SO PERFECT STANDING THERE IN MY AMERICAN APPAREL UNDERWEAR..." The rest folks is not history but would require the help of some fangirls, the 5SOS fam and adorable KEEKS and Instagram videos and photos that soon made me drop my guard and fall for these wonderful guys!

I will share with you my favorite 5SOS songs... And yes, She Looks So Perfect is part of it.

1. She Looks So Perfect

This is the cause of  many sleepless nights where I just had to go to Youtube, play the video and just rock out in 1 AM while the whole neighborhood was trying to get a night's rest. This is also the reason why I am incredibly obsessed with these boys right now! Yes, I have been done a great injustice coz of this.

2. Try Hard

One of my favorite songs to be honest. Even if I was drawn in by She Looks So Perfect, this one has the most plays on my iPad right now. Probably because of the "She's into drummers" line... Yeah, gets me every time. Anyway, I just love the sequencing of this music video and how adorable these boys are here! So proud coz it's been around for 1 year!!! WOOOHOO!! #1YearofTryHard #BandWeirdness

3. Wherever You Are

This song always gets its way to me whenever I play it, coz Luke and Calum's vocals are superb and it's dedicated to the fans, so I couldn't be happier! It's such a sweet, sing-me-a-lullaby song. It's simply perfect.

4. Don't Stop

5SOS is funny.. Like the boys with all their keeks and stuff, yeah, ROFL. And the Don't Stop music video proves to show that the boys are just an insanely hilarious bunch. I need me some superheroes like these. Yes Calum, girls do love the combo of green and yellow. And yes Michael, you are the leader.. Okay?

The song is an awesome song to play while going on a trip or just plainly rocking out! Yes, this song is also on loop.

5. Heartbreak Girl

Now, now. I know that I was clearly late with the hype but Heartbreak Girl was indeed the first song I've heard from the boys, but as I've said, I was in a mode back then, so I really didn't care. But with the obsession that came with liking their all their songs, I have to finally admit that this became one of my faves. Let us petition for Ashton to wear his glasses again. THANK YOU!

And so, I leave you with my favorite 5SOS songs. But they are all wonderful! I can't wait to purchase the album! WOOOO!

I'd like to thank the 5SOS fam for graciously accepting me in the fandom! I am honored! It is one of my greatest pleasures as a music lover to talk music with people who understand. I know that my obsession had not come long before their start and I wish that it was, but it doesn't change the fact that I do love their music and the band and that I will be dedicated to them, till my bones break and my heart stops. I love you Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton. You have made my playlist livelier! Please do visit the Philippines soon!!! Much love to you all! And of course, congratulations to all the success! May you stumble upon this sometime.

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