
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Top 10 Blogging Confessions

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where, each week, a Top Ten list is posted based on a particular topic.

Hi there! So I haven't been around for a while for the meme and I kind of feel bad because this is one of my favorite memes on the blog. Anyway, let's get started with my top 10 blogging confessions! Lezz go!

1. Stats mean something.
I always check my stats, like who reads and from where. I sometimes think I'm obsessed with seeing from what country most of my audiences are. I'd sometimes freak out when I actually have people react to my posts too! It's such a nice thing!

2. TBR's take up my life.
I have so many books on my TBR pile, it's insane. I don't even know if I can read all of them and sometimes I have some e-ARCs from Netgalley or Edelweiss and I'm not even sure if I can read them all and review them.. #BookBloggerDilemmas

3. Blog Beauty

When designing my blog at first, it went through changes that included me using photos from the internet and editing them as my own. I realized that I shouldn't do it anymore and after I became a full fledged blogger. Thanks to Yani of Paper Boulevard for helping me with some of the stuff in my blog! I am still in need of a blog icon though. Free services anyone?

4. 6 Year Friendship

I'm working with a six year old laptop which is dying a bit. I really love this laptop of mine. It's been with me through thick and thin, though I'm not so sure if I could use it for my thesis though but I'm still using it for my blog posts.

5. Schedules? What are schedules?
I don't like writing on demand to be honest. I like writing on my own pace so sometimes I can be a little late when it comes to posting reviews but I try to do so. I'm also kind of thankful to schedules because at least I get to do something. But as for forcing myself to write, not so much. I also don't like writing competitions.

I enter a lot of reading slumps lately because of school. The longest I've gone without reading anything at all was a week. Those were dark times... *cringe*

7. Inferiority complex
I think that I suffer from this both at school and also from seeing so many awesome blogs. I cannot quite wrap my head around some and more than the fact that I feel so low about myself, I can't help but compare contents, like some blogs' contents are soooo good. 

I shouted "I'm below average," an hommage to Patrick of Perks of Being A Wallflower after getting a below average grade in Economics. It was also the time I wrote my first ever book review.

9. Caffeine downer?
I fall asleep after drinking coffee or energy drinks, so I really don't work well on caffeinated highs and stuff. Same with reading.

10. Carved in stone
I like to think that I am friends with authors I interact with. Well, some of them are already but like Rainbow Rowell who I've had my target of bestfriend-ness. She actually said I had potential and that I should move to Omaha. Yes, I'll be saving up for Omaha, so WAIT FOR ME, RAINBOW! Bethany Crandell is one of my favorite people. She is also my band manager. We like to believe we're in a band.

So there's my Top 10 this week! Again, I'm sorry if I haven't been posting! Make sure to keep tuned for more soon! Thanks for the patience Misfit Booknerds!

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