
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Books I've Been Told I MUST Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where, each week, a Top Ten list is posted based on a particular topic.

It's been a while since I posted a Top Ten Tuesday feature and I feel bad because it's one of my favorite memes. Anyway, the topic this time is books that I MUST read as told by trusted blogger friends through their recommendations as well as from friends who have the same passion.

1. The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

I've seen so much rave about this book, mostly from bloggers and I really do want to read it. I really love the premise of the story and the amazing book cover! GAH! It's too bad that the nearest local bookstore I have here doesn't have it. 

2. I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

I've seen the I Am Number Four movie and I kinda liked it. Well, not really. But it had Dianna Agron and. I'm such a huge gleek, so support. But yeah. It was a bit of a bore. Anyway, as for the book, I have soooooo many friends who have read the books already, and Revenge of Seven is already coming out. I honestly wanna be part of the fun. But yeah. It's not that easy.

3. The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen

Goodness gracious! My blogger friends have read this book and loved it, and I have this raging need to read it. I think there's something to the ending that I must look forward to.

4. Black City by Elizabeth Richards

I've seen the Wings tour which was to help promote Wings, the final book to the trilogy and there was so much excitement to the books that I was left curious to read it. I am actually borrowing a book from a friend later and checking out Black City. I hope I like it.

5. The Geography of You and Me by Jen. E. Smith

Though I am a fan of romantic YA stuff, I was recommended this a long time before but I have never tried reading the whole trilogy. I have The Geography of You and Me though and would love to really get into it soon.

6. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

So. Many. Good. Things. About. It! That's all I can say. I see it in my local book store and I feel bad that I can't just swipe it out of there. 

7. Just One Day by Gayle Forman

A friend says I would love it. The only problem now is having the books to read it.

8. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Some friends and bloggers say that the books are totally great. I just hate it when the nearest local book store to me doesn't have a single damn copy of any of the trilogy!

9. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

NOW THIS! I would love to devour this book! There are great reviews, mixed but mostly great! I WANT IT! I'll definitely get it soon! That's a promise. And also all three books! WOOO1

10. Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

I was suppose to review this book for tour, but schedules changed and I can't wait to actually read this book! The cover is simple yet beautiful, the story of two best friends finding themselves! UGH! I must! I must! 

So, that's it for this week's topic! Are these also some of the books that were recommended to you? Or are there any books that you can recommend to me that I must read? Comment below!  Check out next week's topic! And I promise to update you guys on this more often! ❤

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