
Monday, September 1, 2014

{BLOG TOUR} REVIEW: Mary Hades by Sarah Dalton

Title: Mary Hades (Mary Hades #1)
Author: Sarah Dalton
Publication: May 4th 2014, Creatspace
Format: Digital Copy
Source: Giselle of XpressonBookTours
Not many seventeen year old girls have a best friend who’s a ghost, but then Mary Hades isn’t your average teenager. 

Scarred physically and mentally from a fire, her parents decide a holiday to an idyllic village in North Yorkshire will help her recover. Nestled in the middle of five moors, Mary expects to have a boring week stuck in a caravan with her parents. Little does she know, evil lurks in the campsite…

Seth Lockwood—a local fairground worker with a dark secret—might be the key to uncovering the murky history that has blighted Nettleby. But Mary is drawn to him in a way that has her questioning her judgement.

Helped by her dead best friend and a quirky gay Goth couple, Mary must stop the unusual deaths occurring in Nettleby. But can she prevent her heart from being broken?

The first in a series of dark YA novels, Mary Hades follows on from the bestselling Kindle Single 'My Daylight Monsters'. A spine-tingling tale with romance, readers will be shocked and entertained in equal measure.

Misfit Review:
*I received a review copy of the book from Giselle of XpressoBookTours in exchange for an honest review.

So, I decided this is gonna be a short review of Mary Hades. I have read the book but it took me a while to get attached to it or being that I was still in my slump, it's attractiveness might've been buried. Anyway, I read the book and there were nice points and really just annoying pieces to the book.

So Mary is being held in an institution after the fire that scarred her mentally. With this she gained an ability.  This ability was to see ghost. While in the hospital, she gets acquainted with Lacey, an upbeat girl with her own problems. They become fast friends and the rest you would say is history, but no. Lacey gets into an accident and Mary gets left behind. But Lacey stays and helps Mary go through her phase of seeing The Things and the imminent death.

I ain't a fan of ghost stories. I love gore and stuff, but I can't seem to wrap myself up with horror books. I wanted to read this book for a change but I still felt as though I couldn't read it. But, in terms of scaring me out of my wits, yes, yes it did its job. (Probably coz of me being a total ninny.)

The characters were fine. I had a good feeling about Lacey from the beginning, maybe because she was a good foil and friend to Mary. She's just quirky and witty even in the afterlife. As for Mary, she was so-so for me. She had her shining moments of course, but yes, Lacey stood out for me.

The ending was just yeah. I thought I'd never get to the end, I did, but then I didn't think it was enough. It was sooooooo boring. Hahahaha. For someone who isn't a fan of horror books, this is what I felt. Maybe since it was an ending, it could've been ended with a BAM! But then, there's still a few books after it, so, maybe.

I don't know if I will read the next installments, but you could say I enjoyed Mary Hades though honestly terrified. I will remember not to request books that could potentially kill me.

P.S. The cover is gorgeous.

About The Author:

Sarah grew up in the middle of nowhere in the countryside of Derbyshire and as a result has an over-active imagination. She has been an avid reader for most of her life, taking inspiration from the stories she read as a child, and the novels she devoured as an adult.

Sarah mainly writes speculative fiction for a Young Adult audience and has had pieces of short fiction published in the Medulla Literary Review, PANK magazine, Apex Magazine and the British Fantasy Society publication Dark Horizons. Her short story ‘Vampires Wear Chanel’ is featured in the Wyvern Publication Fangtales.

She is the author of the popular YA dystopia series 'Blemished' and the gothic novella 'My Daylight Monsters'. She is currently working on a YA Fantasy series titled 'White Hart'.

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