
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Book Signing Recap: #JennandLissainPH

Hi there Misfit booknerds! Been a while since I posted anything since I was trying to catch up on my reading (my slump is still quite active as of the moment), and that school hasn't really been that friendly.

Anyway, as you may have noticed, I haven't been to book signings lately. My plans on going to Jenny Han's signing was cancelled because of my Dad's request to me to not go. I couldn't go to the Stephanie Perkin's book signing either due to it being on a Sunday and I had school the next day. It was a conflict to my schedule because I had to travel from my place to the event. And dude, it ain't easy! Lastly, I was prepared to go to Alex London's event but a tragic incident happened the day before, and I slightly dislocated my arm and I couldn't move it. (AM A MAJOR KLUTZ PEOPLE!!!!) My plans died along with my sheer excitement to meet Alex.

Since I sucked for the past few months, going to Jennifer E. Smith's and Lissa Price's event on SM Aura was my call for retribution and come back from my book signing "slump" of sorts. And I did get retribution!

I ended up travelling on Saturday, the day of the event. Though I wanted to be early and travel the day before, the monsoon that caused huge floods in the cities didn't allow me to do so, thus making it difficult, again, for my father to allow me to go to the event. Anyway, I pushed through with going to the event either way!

I traveled an accumulated 4 hours to the event, tired but extremely excited! I saw my friends again after almost 5 months of not seeing them at all! I think I squeezed a few of them out of sheer love and longing! So for the next hour, we waited till Jen and Lissa arrived and the crowd went wild!

As they were being interviewed, we held up banners of the Graham and Ellie ship from This is What Happy Looks Like and Callie x Blake, Michael and Hyden ship from Starters and it was cute when they noticed them, especially Lissa when she saw the "Team Old Man" banner! True win!

(c) Momma Joan

Niaowie, Karrel and Godwin were just too adorable!

Both are asked of their inspiration for their books, Lissa's being about her experience with getting a free viral shot. Since most of the products were almost at their expiration dates, the only ones who will get the shots were the really young and the really old (Starters and Enders). Jen's from most of her experiences, chatting with an old Irish man on a plane ride (The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight), getting an email not intended for her (This Is What Happy Looks Like), and the widespread blackout that happened in the US years ago ( The Geography of You and Me).

(c) Charm

They were also asked whose character they enjoyed writing for. Lissa enjoyed writing Hyden's character because of his badass personality while Jen preferred writing Oliver's character because of his wit. 

Fans were also given the chance to ask questions to both of them about their books, characters and their experience in the Philippines.

The signing commenced soon enough after the interview. Jen and Lissa gave their fans swag such as bookmarks and pins. I was #254 since I was really late. But it didn't bother me. Though what bothered me was that most of my friends were quite early and were at top of the pack! :)

Everyone seemed to enjoy Lissa and Jen's company as they tried to talk and hug to each and everyone of the fans! My friends were also having fun while the signing was happening, taking pictures, chatting with each other. Since I had a lot of time to wait, I talked to the new addition to our group of friends about books, TV shows and yeah, a loooot of catching up!

(c) Momma Joan


I missed Alia of Ponderings of Psyche so much!!! Here we are with our book signing ritual: TAKING A PHOTO TOGETHER! <3

With the Peculiar Family! GAWDS I MISSED THESE GUYS!

(c) Momma Joan! 

While I was waiting for my turn, I asked some of my friends to wait for me at High Street since I didn't really want them to get bored. I also ended up borrowing Godwin of The Machination of My Muddled Minds' phone! Thanks bro!

So my turn arrived and first up was Lissa! I really want to give you deets on what we talked about but I think I'm gonna keep it to myself and to a few of my friends! It was just a treasured moment between the two of us and I enjoyed at least a minute of our time together!

It was quite the heated talk! I love Lissa for her willingness to give advice!

Jen was sooooo adorable, I wanted to hug her the very moment I approached her, but I held some restraint and talked about my love for Oliver and hoping that This Is What Happy Looks Like becomes one heck of a fave too! She also said that Oliver loves me! I CAN DIE NOW!

This is that moment where she writes that Oliver loves me... I'll treasure this!

They are such sweeties! I cannot really! <3


I met up with my friends after and we talked about how the signing went and more about books as we headed home! 

I'm sorry if this seems like an awfully long recap, but I missed doing these and really, it meant the whole world to me to come to a signing that had amazing authors for me to talk about! I will post reviews of their books soon!

Hopefully, I won't miss too many signings because duh, Claudia Gray, Madeleine Roux and Marie Lu are visiting in the next couple of months, so YAY!

Anyway, all for the love of books! :)

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