
Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hi there Misfit Booknerds! If you have been following (or stalking) me on Twitter or are friends with me on Facebook, you'd know that I was actually at the book signing event of Claudia Gray and Madeleine Roux last October 18, Saturday at Glorietta. I went there out of sheer and utter love for A Thousand Pieces of You which I was privileged enough to read earlier than most! Special thanks to Pinoy Book Tours and Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again.

Anyway, I headed to Manila the day before the signing, so that I could set up camp at my Aunt's place and that I wouldn't have to suffer the same fate I did during the Jen and Lissa event last month. I got to Glorietta at around 7:30 and lined up, seeing that my friends were such early birds.

I had the chance to chit-chat with them about the books, our thoughts on the plot lines and what not and got some of the books that Apollo had asked Godwin of Machinations of My Muddled Mind to sign it for him because he couldn't make it, and so we were left to help out Godwin.

Also got to take photos with mah girls! Special thanks to Jera for buying me a prototype Firebird, which is inspired by the Firebird in A Thousand Pieces of You... Read it Misfits! READ IT!

When the time arrived for us to enter the NBS store, we got registered, then headed out to the teen's section with Eriele and found some awesome books!

Copies of Dash and Lily! Now you can choose your covers! I really like the blue one!

Belzhar is now available in most National Book Store branches nationwide! GRAB A COPY NOW!!!

Then I searched for some things to used as banners we'll show to Claudia and Madeleine. Karrel did such a wonderful job on one banner, seriously! So much skill! :)

While waiting for Claudia Gray and Madeleine Roux to arrive, we took some photos, including a Scarlet photoshoot that I took! WOOOT! We also took our group photos! :) I actually saw some people from the same book club/group over at Facebook, but I got shy. Yes Misfits, I do get shy. HAHA!

Scarlet Queen, Charm! :)

Oh Eriele! HAHAHA!

We then finished our banners and headed to our seats. We all freaked out when Madeleine Roux and Claudia Gray entered and sat down for the interview.

They are so, so cute!

I didn't catch much of the interview because I was freaking out. I am now making a note that I will record the whole interview on video or on Soundcloud or something. One thing is for sure, both Claudia and Madeleine were inspired by different situations in their lives that brought them into writing their stories. Claudia having countless jobs, got inspired into writing the Evernight series after her experience as a lawyer and Madeleine was scared of clowns, which brought her into writing Sanctum.

Claudia also talked about ATPOY, saying that the Filipinos were lucky that the book has been released a month earlier than anywhere else in the world. Thank you Claudia, thank you! And thank you HarperTeen for that! Madeleine was also excited to tell the fans about the 3rd book for Asylum and can't wait for people to see it. They talked about a lot more things involving their new books and advice for people who wish to write their own novels. The book signing proper commenced.

I was #37, pretty early, yeah, I must say. First of off, I got to talk to Madeleine, who was extremely gorgeous and amazing up close. I told her that I haven't read Asylum, and I wouldn't have had the balls to do  so in the future if my friends haven't been raving about it. I also told her, though I don't exactly like reading scary stories, I have tried writing a short called Poppy, which I published here on the blog. Don't even search for it. T'was bad. HAHA! But she was very encouraging, saying it was really like that at first and you tend to get used to it in the process, but she also said that writing scary stories comes with research, so she insisted I read some.  I'll build up the courage Madeleine, I swear.

Finally, I got to talk to Claudia Gray. I didn't actually know what to say to her when I came up to her glorious face! I was just, hey, A Thousand Pieces of You was amazing! And she was already beaming up. I told her I was the #TeamLtMarkov chick who had tweeted her on Twitter about it and she was surprised, saying she was happy to meet me in person. I also gave her a banner with James McAvoy's face on it. She claimed her future hubby, telling me she won't give it back, ever. I pointed out to Momma Joan that time and Claudia said hi, saying she was wearing the bracelet she gave her. Awwwww...

I talked to her more about ATPOY and how truly perfect it was. I think I might've scared her a bit coz of my fangirling but she was really happy that I have been promoting the book through my blog. I also told her I'm from an alternate dimension, coz I was wearing a prototype Firebird. In short, we had an ATPOY role-playing sesh. She's one of the best authors I've met and I can't wait for Firebird #2.

I was planning on heading home later but because I might get lost and also coz I had a ton of books with me, I settled on leaving early. Also because Momma Joan had plans. I went home with Jera and took the really claustrophobic triggering MRT but got home safely at least!



The signing was amazing and I would not exchange the experience for anything really! See you all at the #MarieLuinPH event!

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