
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Stacking The Shelves #8: Sad and Thrilling

Stacking The Shelves is a feature hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers share what books (both physical and digital) they received, won, bought, and borrowed.

Hey there Misfit Booknerds!!! Lots of good reads this week??? Hopefully! Did you add any good books to your shelves or your e-readers? I have two new books added to my Kindle app and they are some of my most awaited!!!


All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

The Remedy by Suzanne Young

I would like to thank Jennifer Niven first and foremost for being especially kind and warm to me everytime I talk to her on Twitter and for especially giving me an e-ARC of All The Bright Places. I know she means well for breaking my heart because of this novel. HAHAHA!

And to Simon and Schuster on Edelweiss for their trust in me always. I know I have been not as active but I will be reviewing all of the books you have granted my request to as soon as I could. 

So how's your stack this week??? Tell me in the comments below! :)

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