
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: 2015 BOOKS FTW!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where, each week, a Top Ten list is posted based on a particular topic.

Hi there Misfit Booknerds! Sorry if I have been in another lazy mood. But I found my jive back again and I'll be doing a post on some of the 2015 releases that I'm sure you are as excited as I am to come out already. Seriously. Let them out!

Here's my top ten picks!

1. All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

Y'all know that I talked about this in my previous Waiting on Wednesday post and I am really ecstatic to get a digital copy from Jennifer herself! Thank you Jennifer for the wonderful surprise! Hopefully I get a physical coz with the wonderful reviews I've been seeing, I doubt that this book won't please.

2. The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley by Shaun Hutchinson

When people wish to live their lives on their own because they want to be independent and all that, prove to their parents or downers that they can make it in the world, there are those people who are left with the sad reality in which death takes their family all too soon and yes, live independently but what's the point when the only motivation left is to live and nothing more. 

The book seems tantalizing with it's nice plot, interesting characters and a ride of trying to chase away death when it comes back to get you. Thanks to Simon and Schuster for providing me with an e-ARC! Love you guys!

3. I Was Here by Gayle Forman

Sometimes I question whether Gayle Forman wants me alive because with just two of her books, my feels were already going through a rupturing roller coaster ride about to murder me and with another novel such as I Was Here, I don't know if I'll even be alive to tell the tale. HAHA! But seriously, it's one heck of a book I want to dive my nose into and fill with tears/blood.

4. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

The story itself is really interesting with social class combined with super powers are involved. I enjoy reading books that have some sort of power element in them. It makes my imagination run wild and with the wonderful things people are saying about the Red Queen, I am hoping it would not disappoint.

5. Love Hurts by Malorie Blackman

From your very first kiss to your last goodbye, loving hurts, love hurts and it's a fact. It could be a good kind of hurt or the most vicious kind. I am excited to read this book and thankfully I have an advance copy! Awwwww, love.

6. Solitaire by Alice Oseman

There's buzz about this book that I would love to join into and the idea of a quirky, quiet girl going against odds. And my goodness! Pop culture stuff in a book? WOOT WOOT! What I love about the idea of this contemporary is that not all of them revolve around a love story or something that could grow into that. And that is what's most interesting about it! I want it, and I want it now!

7. Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes

Man, I'm sold with this story. Like, give it to me right now! The synopsis gave me a bit of humor and then sunk into this psychological thriller/search thing that would make for a great theme and a hit! I just hope that it delivers really, really well.

8. Becoming Jinn by Lori Goldstein

What appeals to me is the idea that a genie could live normally in the world like how Azra is trying to even after being a Jinn. One other thing is that it's a lot different than most stories since it's not so apparent that there are genie protagonists so this is a new concept and I am hoping that I would really like it.

9. Me Being Me Is Exactly as Insane as You Being You by Todd Hasak-Lowy

The idea of a story being in a list isn't entirely new but quite a rarity and the book seems very interesting enough with its weird plot, weird characters and the impulsiveness of the story itself. Seems to be a long read with 656 pages, well, it is a list so... Anyway, excited for this! Thanks to Simon and Schuster again for the copy! :)

10. Love May Fail by Matthew Quick

Matthew Quick brings in another homerun. In short, I AM EXCITED! EXCITED I TELL YOU!!!

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