
Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where, each week, a Top Ten list is posted based on a particular topic.

Hi there Misfit Booknerds? How've you been? Are you decorating your Christmas Tree with books yet? Or did you make the infamous BOOK TREE? I don't really have sturdy books to make it but still, I hope you guys tried!

Anyway, this week's list consist of books I wish Santa would bring me for Christmas! I mean, don't we all wish for tons of books this Christmas? I do! And that's why I'm preparing this list, in case I have a few Santas from the readers of my blog or those who just feel sorry for me... *winks*. I accept late offerings! LOL.

1. All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

It's on pre-order over at Amazon and The Book Depository, so pleeeeeease? Thanks!

2. Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch

I know I know, I was suppose to get this for my birthday, but I didn't really gift myself with a book for le birthday, so maybe you can offer one to me and make me happy? Thanks!

3. Rites of Passage by Joy N. Hensley

Santa, I hear such amazing things about this book, no matter how harsh the theme may be. And because I love being masochistic, a holiday hurt my not be so bad. Thanks.

4. The Whole Lotus War Trilogy by Jay Kristoff

Yeah, 3 books Santa. But they will make me happy. Very happy! Thanks!

5. The Queen of Tearling by Erika Johansen

A friend said it was gorgeous and because I'm looking forward to the movie with Emma Watson in it, so, Santa, gimme. Thanks!

6. Zodiac by Romina Russell

I heard the Sagittarius character on this one is pretty awesome, and because I'm a Sag myself, I'd really love to read this book, Santa. Thanks!

7. Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

I'm a sucker for stories that have been extracted from classics and twisting it up into a fine story, and because of that, I would love a copy. Thanks!

8. Anatomy of A Misfit by Andrea Portes

I feel like such a blasphemous person, Santa, because I haven't read this yet and I call myself a misfit. So this holiday season, it would be lovely to have this! Thanks!

9. Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer

It has been a dream to read this, but I haven't purchased it yet. *cries* So please, Santa. Thanks!

10. I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson

Why didn't I buy this soon enough anyway? So maybe do it for me? Thanks!

Yeah, so that wraps up my list. I haven't been a real good girl this year, but maybe Santa can spare a book or two. LOL. Anyway, share with me your list and leave comments below on what you think Santa should give me! Thanks Misfit Booknerds! And Merry Christmas!

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