
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Ten Book Related Problems I Have

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where, each week, a Top Ten list is posted based on a particular topic.

Hi there! It's been forever since my last Top Ten Tuesdays post. I decided to take it easy with posting memes for the past month and I guess it was therapeutic but then it made me miss it. So here I am, writing a post for this week. Anyway, let's get to it! The theme for this week is Ten Book Related Problems I Have. I kind of interpreted this as problems I have when it comes to reading and also when it comes to questions I get in the process.

1. Getting too easily attached to characters

Books are a fountain for amazing characters to love either based from their looks or personality. And getting attached to them is understandable because you either relate to them or wish that they were your real soul mates. Like Augustus Waters. Which brings me to my next problem.

2. Character Deaths

Lord have mercy on me for I have cried a thousand rivers coz of the death of my favorite character and it hurts. It really hurts.

3. Not Finishing Up Current TBR

Yeah yeah. You can all look at me and say, "WHY DO YOU KEEP BUYING BOOKS, YOU HAVE LIKE, 10 YOU HAVEN'T READ?" Well, sorry. I have needs.

4. Books you like get turned into a "BAD" movie

I get excited, then I get depressed, then I wish I can throw a crowbar on the silver screen. I'm sure you guys have had urges like this.

5. Having no money for books

This is when you'd end up saying, "THE STRUGGLE IS REAL". The only thing you can do is caress the books and whisper them that you'll be back when payday arrives or when you've saved up with your allowance.

6. Reading a book where the character makes you think your staring at your reflection.

Theodore Finch.

7. Borrowers who never return/ return books that have been defaced.

Curse you. Why was I even involved with you?

8. Book reading slumps

Why do you exist? Why can't you leave me alone permanently?

9. Not having enough time for your babies

Why do other life issues get in the way anyway? Whenever this happens, I feel like I've neglected my babies and even my blogging at some point.

10. People who ask why I read?

I read to breathe. You may as well start reading too.

So there we go! That's my top ten this week! I'm not sure if I can work on this again next week or the following but I will try! Thanks for the continuous support Misfit Booknerds!

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