
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Review: Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes

Title: Liars, Inc.
Author: Paula Stokes
Publication: March 24th 2015, HarperTeen
Format: e-ARC
Source: From the publisher! (Thank you HarperTeen!)
Buy it on: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks | The Book Depository | Kobo | National Book Store / Fully Booked (PH)


It all starts with one little lie…

Max Cantrell has never been a big fan of the truth, so when the opportunity arises to sell lies to his classmates, it sounds like a good way to make a little money and liven up a boring senior year. With the help of his friends Preston and Parvati, Max starts a business providing forged permission slips and cover stories for the students of Vista Palisades High. Liars, Inc. they call it. Suddenly everybody needs something and the cash starts pouring in. Who knew lying could be so lucrative?

When Preston wants his own cover story to go visit a girl he met online, Max doesn’t think twice about hooking him up. Until Preston never comes home. Then the evidence starts to pile up—terrifying clues that lead the cops to Preston’s body. Terrifying clues that point to Max as the murderer.

Can Max find the real killer before he goes to prison for a crime he didn’t commit?

Misfit Review:

Have you ever thought you can get out of a lie? Of course you have. I believe everyone has. But a lie so huge, that it could send you into a federal chase, hiding from people and ultimately shading the truth, can lead into some pretty dirty business.

Meet Max Cantrell, a laid back, low-self esteem teen who gets away with hanging out with two of the most popular kids in school. Preston DeWitt and Parvati Amos, who he considers his best friends. Together, they set up the Liars, Inc., providing every excuse like forged permission slips, parent calls to teachers or the principals, alibis, the works. But when an incident happens to Preston, Max is dragged into a whirlwind of situations, setups and accusations that lead him to find out what happened while digging up his missing friend's past...and his own.

Liars, Inc. is a mystery novel that I have been craving for, for a long time! It's thrilling, unusual and it doesn't stop being unpredictable for one second. It allows for the reader to truly tag along in the adventure and to point fingers at whoever they wish and it brings forth the reader to make up his or her own conspiracy theories. And for one, I had a ton and pointed at every person possible and coming up with conclusions to their actions.

The writing style provided is sexy and crude, honest and brutal, but it works. It might surprise some readers about certain scenes in the book, but it adds to the mystery and provocativeness of the novel.

Though Liars, Inc. centralizes on finding the truth and of course, crimes, it doesn't fall short of other elements such as humor and drama, provided by the Parvati and the Cantrells respectively. The novel is more than just a ride. Sometimes it settles down and appreciates everything. I specifically loved Max's scene with Darla and how vulnerable the whole thing felt. I swear my heart leaped and cried at the same time. Parvati is just a hoot, supportive and caring. Though we find out something about her past, it's just really hard to let go of Parvati as a character. But Parvati was also one of my suspects really. JUST BECAUSE! Oh you know once you read into it! Only Max's incessant talk about Preston and Parvati left me a little unhinged and I almost wanted to whack him. But poor guy. Oh well, you did build your friendship on lies. LOL

I didn't expect such a crazy novel to come out of Paula Stokes, after her best selling novel, The Art of Lainey. But you can't compare Liars, Inc. with that.  This to me is far grittier and intense, but of course they are two different themes. Anyway, this is definitely one of Paula's most impressive work and my absolute favorite thus far and I hope to the heavens above that more people read into it! (PLEASE PLEASE MISFIT BOOKNERDS PLEEEEEAAASEEE!)

Dive into a world of lies and deception with Liars, Inc. and I give you my word of honor! NO LIES, it's a pretty exciting book!!!

About The Author:

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Paula Stokes is half writer, half RN, and totally thrilled to be part of the world of YA literature. She started out writing historical fiction under a pen name and is now branching out into other YA genres.

When she's not working (rare), she's kayaking, hiking, reading, or seeking out new adventures in faraway lands. She's petted tigers, snuggled snakes, snorkeled with stingrays, and once enjoyed the suction-cuppy feel of a baby elephant's trunk as it ate peanuts from her palm. Her future goals include diving with Great White sharks, learning Krav Maga, and writing a whole slew of novels, not necessarily in that order.

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