
Monday, April 13, 2015

Thank You!!! (#JenniferESmithMonth)

Yo Misfit Booknerds! It has been a fantastic run for the extended #JenniferESmithMonth event! I would love to thank a ton of people who have been really supportive of this fun blog activity I had. It's the first, so I thought it would be tedious (it was) but it was all very worth it!
Thank you to Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again for all her love and support for this event and for being a part of it through the interview! Your love of Graham Larkin is now marked in my readers' hearts and most especially mine! Thank you Nicole of The Unicolenicorn, for finding the time in your hectic schedule! You have been lovingly supportive Queen! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous nail art tutorial. To JM of Book Freak Revelations, for doing a Graham and Ellie feature, you have been a great support!

And thank you to Jennifer E. Smith! Without you, this event wouldn't have been possible! Thank you for giving us characters to love and cherish forever and for books to anticipate in the future! You are a true inspiration and Queen of all good and fluffy things!!! And thank you for stopping by!

Most especially, thanks to y'all Misfit Booknerds! This whole experience wouldn't have been complete without you guys! Thank you for the support and love! Till the next event!!! Suggest in the comments what I should do next if you wish! :) The giveaway is still on going so be sure to check that out!

P.S. Unfortunately due to the time I opted for this whole event to happen, I only made sure to include 2 weeks more of April for it and I don't exactly want to extend it further. So if you've noticed there are still no Geography posts. :) I'll include that in later posts but not as part of the event. I'm sorry, but I have been quite busy this weekend :/ Anyway, look forward to that at least, and thank you again, Misfit Booknerds!

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