
Monday, May 25, 2015

Book Expo America Blues + Newbie Links

Hello there Misfit booknerds!!! It's actually that time of year again where authors, publishers, bloggers, readers and more come together to celebrate books and everything related to literature with Book Expo America or BEA for short. 

It's a huge dream of mine to actually go to New York City, probably live there, work on a novel and be known and stuff. It has been one of my greatest aspirations... other than the fact that I was hooked to Gossip Girl. Anyway, I've heard of BEA around 2 years ago, and a year ago, I was immersed to how beautiful and amazing the whole event is!

You can meet authors, have books or ARCs signed, listen to panels with bloggers or authors in them about certain topics, meet your favorite bloggers and hangout with them and check out your favorite publishers' stalls or marquees. 

And at times where I see posts about BEA and more, I suddenly wish I was born in NYC, or I had the ability to travel back and forth with ease, with money not being the greater issue. I would just have fun and that's that. But the universe decided to geographically place me somewhere else and also ensure that my Dad is waaay too strict and too mindful of money matters to even allow me to travel to New York or anywhere abroad. It's also probably coz I'm still in university.

With that, I'm left with the BEA blues, thinking constantly of what I could've done if I was there. However, it's not really stopping me to say that you guys should go and see your favorite authors or publishers!

Here are FAQs that you can check out if it's your first time visiting BEA. I am not sure if registration is still applicable around this time, however if it is, you can register here. Schedules and other happenings can be found here. Find out what exhibits to visit, and of course, know what time your favorite authors will have their signings!

The FAQs can be very helpful in your next visit in 2016! And make sure to register for the next year! Visit for more details!

Enjoy New York and BEA, expo-goers and to those who plan to go next year and more years to come! HOOORAH!

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