
Monday, August 10, 2015

Misfit Talks: A Short Hiatus

Hi there Misfit booknerds! I know it kind of feels weird that I have to post something like a hiatus announcement when I just sort of came back from the dead. I hate myself.

Anyway, as you've already gawked at the title, yes, I will be taking a hiatus... Not like that failed hiatus announcement I did for January. Was it January? Yeah, I suck. But, this one, I'm sorry to say, might be a little more serious.

As you all know, I am in my final year of uni! *falls down on knees* "Thank You, sweet baby Jesus." It took a while, but it is most likely to happen now! I can somehow say bye-bye to studying. LOL. But in all seriousness, before I go and graduate from uni, I have to finish my thesis, which is due on October. Now, it might seem like a lot of time left, but believe me, the pressure is on. We'll most likely have our final paper defense on late this August or the first two weeks of September.

As you can see, busy ugh. So, with that, I'll have to say adieu for a while. Meaning, I won't be posting as much as I would like to. To start, I will only post the reviews for the blog tours I signed for this August, so that's 4, I think. Probably, once a week. And that's it. I have no plans for September yet.

It's kind of sad to think that I have to not type in random things on my blog for a while. But I will be scheduling archived work, so if you want to check those out, then go to my Twitter page.

You may also follow my blog so you'll be updated to when I do come back. You can also scan through my review archives and feature archives for some fun! That would be lovely. And yes, my book tour reviews.

Okay then. Till the next time... Bye for now, Misfit booknerds.

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