
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Bookish Resolution!

Hi there Misfit booknerds!!! It's a New Year! WOOOHOO!!!! *deflates like a pancake* I don't know if I'm excited by anything anymore, except by the idea of new books and new friends to make. As for other experiences outside of it, I am skeptical but more scared than anything.

Anyway, since this place is my safe haven, I intend to just say to you guys my reading plans for 2016. Hopefully I'll follow through with this with a bit more excitement.

"Read 3 YA books from previous releases in 2015 + 2 January 2016 released books"

I feel like I left out a lot of previous releases from last year on the dust, especially the e-ARCs that I didn't get to read due to you know what circumstances those are, but I also wanna include some new releases from January. I'm taking it pretty mellow with my reading since my pace became pretty slow. If I do exceed my plans for January, then I'll be pretty happy.

"Read a memoir + 1 general fiction book"

I have not read a memoir in a very long time. I guess the last one was 3 years ago and it SUCKED! But I wanna give myself a chance to read another memoir. Maybe I'll read Amy Poehler's or Tina Fey's or anything fun really. Also, I wanna take a break from some YA, so maybe dive in to a general fiction book and I already have the perfect book to read.

"Read 3 sci-fi novels"

Since I mostly read tons of YA contemporaries last year, I really want to be more flexible with genres that I read. I have no idea what sci-fi novels I'm gonna read yet but Illuminae is definitely one of them.

"Take a break..."

The reason for this break will be explained, well, in April. But yeah, once in a while, I'd go on a break anyway.

"Read 3 graphic novels"

I am not a graphic novel enthusiast but if you make me read one then I'll probably be obsessed with it, it's just that they are really pricey, so I'll most likely read a friend's copies of really awesome graphic novels. Hoping to read more of Saga and Wytches during this time-frame.

"Read five (5) Spring 2016 releases"

Of course I still want to read up and coming titles and Spring releases are usually really, really good, especially with contemporaries. And I can never really give up on my love of contemporary novels, so I'm pretty excited for the Spring books!

"Reread a favorite book series"
(The Series of Unfortunate Events)

Other than the Harry Potter series, I would say that The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket is my favorite book series that ever existed and I'm still bitter about that ending to this day, but let me relive the whole experience by reading all 13 horrendous, beautifully written novels for July.

"Read 5 LGBT-themed books"

LGBT-themed books have a special place in my heart. I'm actually quite pissed that I didn't get to read more of them in 2015 but I really want to commit to reading at least 5 of them. This is a resolution that I wish would exceed my expectation.

"Read 3 Fall 2016 books + 2 historical novels"

Much like Spring releases, Fall novels are pretty gorgeous, much like its season, so there's that then mix in some historical novels, which like sci-fi novels, I'm not a huge fan of, but a friend has been recommending me to read historical novels, even if they have a young adult twist in them. So I'm really excited for this challenge,

"Read 2 Halloween or thriller books"

I hate thriller books. Not the "mystery I'm gonna go solve this sht up" kind of thriller but the really chilling, scary, Stephen King kind of thriller books. I've just never been a fan, although I've had a fair share of reading some King novels and I would cry myself to sleep at times. But I wanna be brave for October, so I'm definitely gonna be setting the mood by reading a scary novel. 

"Read 5-10 middle grade novels"

I think I'm gonnna fall in love with November. I was at the bookstore the other day and I kept muttering to myself that I really want to read more middle grade books, weirdly enough even though I'm already 22, I've been aching for a really easy, sweet MG novel. I was going gaga over The English Roses by Madonna and Amelia's Notebook and other MGs. I'm soooooo excited!

"Read 3 Christmas themed novels"

I think this is pretty much a given anyway. I just love Christmas themed novels so I'm excited for a really eventful December, with really good books to boot!

Other Plans:

1. Fewer requests, sound mind- I feel like I really overwhelmed myself by requesting waaay too many novels last year and didn't get to read, like half of it. So I intend to be more careful with my requests this time around. 

2. Review a bit more - As much as I am proud of my review archive, I really need to amp it up this year with it, so I want to review a bit more.

3. Feature more authors - I've noticed how friendly a lot of authors are and in a way, they become really good friends of mine, so I really want to introduce some of them to you, just in case of course you have no idea some of them are. So either with interviews, blog events or fun facts, I really want authors to feel safe with my platform.

4. Not overwhelm myself with blog tours - I LOOOVE blog tours and I'm part of quite a few but at times, I get surprised with trips and other commitments and I find myself not complying to dates and stuff. I'll join less book tours for now this year, so I can focus with my planned book resolutions.

HOOORAH!!!! What are your 2016 bookish resolutions? What books are you really excited to read this year? And what books can you recommend I read? Leave everything you wanna say on the comment box below!!! Thanks for stopping by, Misfit booknerds! And thanks for sticking with me again for the start of the year!

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