
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Chocolates, First Loves and Book Crushes: Ami Allen-Vath (Interview + Giveaway)

Chocolates, First Loves and Book Crushes is a blog event featuring debut authors answering questions that I have sent them as they talk  about their Valentine's day routines, love, book crushes and more. For a list of all the participating authors, check it out here.

Ami Allen-Vath was born and mostly raised in Minnesota.

Since college, (SCSU, Hunter College, City College) Ami has performed with Just The Funny improv troupe in Miami, FL. She's also performed in two productions of The Vagina Monologues in Atlanta, GA, the state she met her husband.

She now lives with her family, including their dog Yoda, in New Jersey.

Ami loves great and terrible TV, ice cream, books, and vacations. She loathes cilantro, live birds, and when guys do cartoon impressions.

FIND AMI: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

1.    Have you always seen Valentine’s as an important event? What do you usually do on Valentine’s Day?
  • When I’ve been in love or dating, I love Valentine’s Day! : ) When I’ve just been dumped (it happened in tenth grade!), I hate Valentine’s Day. : (

2. What is your fondest memory about Valentine’s Day? Can you go into details about it?
  • I think so many Valentine’s Days are blurring together in my head so I’m going to tell you about the best Valentine’s Day gift I’ve ever received. A GPS. It was about ten years ago and I can’t even get into how horrible I am at directions. South? West? Left? Right? I have no clue. My now-husband gave me the gift that keeps on giving. I have no doubt that I’ve saved a billion dollars in gas and a gazillion hours of my life by having a device that tells me where to go and what to do. I can’t lie though, somehow I still manage to find ways to get lost. 

3. What has always been your idea of the perfect date?
  • Dinner, movie, and dessert so you can talk about the movie and eat treats.

4. Has it always been a walk in the park or had there been any Valentine’s Day disasters you’ve encountered? (Maybe about your own or someone you know who you would like to share)
  • As mentioned in the answer to the first question, I was once dumped the day before Valentine’s Day. I was 16 and there weren’t cell phones WAY BACK THEN so the punk-ass way to break up with your girlfriend wasn’t via text. It was by having your friend do it. So, I got a phone call from EX-BFs friend. We will call the ex “John Doe.” The call went something like this:
Me: “Hello?”

John Doe’s friend: “Is Ami there?”

Ami: “This is.”

JDF: “Hey, it’s John Doe’s friend.”

Me: “Hey.” 

JDF: “John Doe wants to break up.”

Me: *heart drops* “Oh. Um. Okay, no big deal.” 

JDF: “Okay, see you later.”

Ami: “Okay, bye.”

JDF: “Bye.”

Ami: *hangs up but listens to dial tone until the weird and desperate EHH EHH EHH EHH phone sound happens*
So, on Valentine’s Day, I spent the day crying and listening to New Kids On The Block’s “If You Go Away” on repeat. Whenever the lyrics “I’m so soooorry that I made you cry” came on, I’d cry even more. But that night my friend came over and we had a “No Date on Valentine’s Day” extravanza. We ate treats and I’d written a rap song so we videotaped us performing it. It was a probably a better night than I would’ve had with What’s His Face anyway.
5. Can you tell us about your first love? What was he/she like? 
  • I hate to get all sentimental about my first love because my husband still side-eyes the box of love notes and trinkets I have from twelvth grade. But I like to think it was imperfectly perfect. It was my senior year and our relationship made it such a memorable year for me. He was really funny and a great listener. We talked a lot, passed notes, wrote letters, went to movies and did all the typical boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. Somehow, at the time, it felt bigger. Sometimes we’d drive around and look at nice houses and talk about how one day we’d live in a house, write children’s books, have two kids and a cat. I feel really lucky that I had a great boyfriend at that age.

6. Are the characters in your upcoming novel big romantics or total party poopers?
  • I would definitly say both—I think LALLU has a great mix and it makes it more fun this way!

7. What would you like to say to any reader out there this Valentine’s season?

  • Honestly, Valentine’s Day really is just another day. You can make it fun if you want, but it’s so not necessary. Having a “date” doesn’t make you any more or less special. I swear! Like, who cares if you have someone buying you cheap chocolates and a teddy bear that’s probably full of dust mites, am I right?

Title: Liars and Losers Like Us          
Author: Ami Allen-Vath
Publication: March 15th 2016, Sky Pony Press
Pre-order it on: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | The Book Depository |


Keep calm and make it to prom night—without a legit panic attack.

For seventeen-year-old Bree Hughes, it’s easier said than done when gossip, grief, and the opportunity to fail at love are practically high-fiving her in the hallways of Belmont High.

When Bree’s crush, Sean Mills, gives her his phone number, she can’t even leave a voicemail without sounding like a freak. Then she’s asked to be on Prom Court because Maisey Morgan, the school outcast nominated as a joke, declined. She apologizes to Maisey, but it’s too late. After years of torment and an ugly secret shared with their class’s cruel Pageant Queen, Maisey commits suicide. Bree is left with a lot of regret…and a revealing letter with a final request.

With Sean by her side, Bree navigates through her guilt, her parents’ divorce, and all the Prom Court drama. But when a cheating-love-triangle secret hits the fan after a night of sex, drinks, and video games, she’s left with new information about Sean and the class Pageant Queen. Bree must now speak up or stay silent. If she lets fear be her guide, she’ll lose her first love, and head to prom to avenge the death of the school outcast—as a party of one.

Thanks to Ami for being a part of the event! I especially loved her answers! Did you? Don't forget to add her book to your TBR! Tomorrow we'll have Dana Elmendorf, author of South of Sunshine, so look forward to that! Okay, bye!

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