
Monday, March 7, 2016

The Blog Crashers: Bee of Quite The Novel Idea

The Blog Crashers is a blog event featuring book bloggers who crash into my blog for a day. They talk about themselves, their blog, books and more! If you're a book blogger, do sign up to the form and join in the fun!

Hi awesome misfit booknerds! My name's Bee (technically Bieke, but whatever) and I'm here on this lovely blog today to answer a few questions. I apologize in advance if my answers bore you. I'm really not that interesting.

1.  Hi! Thank you for taking your time for the blog! Now, please introduce yourself.

  • My name is Bieke, also known as Bee. I'm 25 years old and I love reading, obviously, but I also love movies, TV-shows and writing! I'm actually working on several projects at once, but the most important one right now is called Three Seconds to Surnise and it's a YA contemporary. 

2. Where are you blogging from?
  • The land of waffles, chocolate & beer: Belgium!

3. That’s your blog’s name and what inspired your blog’s name?

  • I blog over at Quite The Novel Idea with my wonderful co-bloggers Liza & Rachel. I used to be over at Istyria book blog, but I merged my blog with Liza's (Reading With ABC) in January!

4. How long have you been blogging and what do you enjoy most about it?

  • In December I celebrated my second blogoversary! I love the community the most. I just love talking books with all of these wonderful people. <3

5. Who would you say is/are the person/people who influenced you to blog?

6. Have you had any frustrations or insecurities about blogging?

  • All the time! I'm always scared people don't like me and my blog. And I feel so stupid whenever I have to ask for help with technical problems but I'm too lazy to learn how to solve it myself.

7. What is the best experience you’ve had when blogging and what do you love about the community?
  • I think my best experiences are all the author interactions. I love it when an author lets me know they like my review. It's the best thing ever because it makes me feel appreciated. I love how welcoming this community is. All these bookish people are so sweet and helpful and I just love all of you so much.

8. Now, share a photo of you with your current read/fave read.

9. Now, in that fave or current read, choose an actor/actress you’d like to play any of the characters and explain why.

  • OH GOD. Really? How can I possibly cast anyone in that book? I'm horrible at this! Hmm... At the risk of throwing spoilers at you,... I think the guy who plays Mason in Teen Wolf could be a certain someone in that book. ;-)

10. What’s your shower song? Or what do you mostly think in the shower? (I’m sorry. I’m a perv)

  • I always put my music on whenever I shower. I have tons of Disney songs on my playlist and I always sing along with those.

11. What is the one movie you’ll never get tired of watching from the time to time?
  • How To Train Your Dragon 1 or 2. TOOTHLESS FTW!

12. What other hobbies or passion projects do you have?
  • I love watching Movies and TV-shows (The Flash, PLL, Teen Wolf, The Big Bang Theory, New Girl,...) and writing! As I've mentioned before, I'm working on my debut novel and several other projects on the side.

13. What books from 2016 are you super excited to read. You may put 5-10 books...or less if you like.

14. What would you like to say to Jayvee? LOL
  • Jayvee, you're such a wonderfully cute pumpkin and I'm so happy I found your blog! Let's squeal about Simon VS forever & ever!
15. Your message to the blogging community?
  • I LOVE YOU GUYS! Thank you for being awesome.

FIND BEE : Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Instagram

Let's all thank Bee for stopping by! Leave a comment below and start a conversation with her! Don't forget to visit her lovely blog!

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