
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Style Misfit: Book Covers (2nd Edition)

Hi there!!! I kinda thought that I can sustain making Style Misfit a weekly thing but I kinda had some issues last week, so forgive this lady. HAHA! I still do plan on making it a weekly habit. Anyway, I'm making up for it by posting another book covers edition with fashion collages, inspired by gorgeous book covers! Of course, I'm planning on doing something that extends more from that, so I might feature some other things and I am looking forward to experimenting on that!

Okay! Let's do it!

There's not a lot to play with in terms of the color spectrum with FIRSTS by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn. But I somehow tapped into its main character instead, Mercedes and kinda had this vibe of her that she's kinda hisptery, no-nonsense and wears what she feels is comfortable while still making a statement. Unfortunately, I have not read Firsts myself but I did get a nod from the author herself that Mercedes will def wear this, so I'm very happy! Casual, chic and fun, I really love this look.

Like with Firsts, I did not have a lot to play with in terms of colors with Arrows by Melissa Gorzelancyzk. But what's great with it is that it's not necessarily a problem because the colors do justice and I love the girlishness of this look. I mostly based of elements of this look on the cover with of course the colors but also the other graphics. Then I kinda tapped into Karma being a dancer and just went in with ballet flats and sensed that she's a girly-girl, so I just went with this look.

Now when I had an issue with not having enough colors to play with, Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon proves otherwise. Though there are two dominating colors, there's also the hint of different colors and textures in it. What I loved with this look is that it's pretty minimalist and I love that about it. I didn't really wanna go crazy with the color choices for the clothes or shoes but just tap into them through the accessories as they bring the look together and kinda make a huge statement. And can we please stop me from using cuff earrings since I seem to have grown addicted to putting them in fashion collages HAHAHA!

I honestly didn't know how I'll make this look for Fans of The Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa work. Though they are more in the pastel shades, I was a little reluctant to see how every piece will go together and that it might look tacky. I almost busted my brains just imagining how it'd look in a person. Again, I got Kate's blessing but not only that, got comfortable with the whole look after looking at it many times. And can we please look at how gorgeous that mane is. UGH!

I think that my issue is is that I'm not a fan of huge extremes. Too many pastels or too many neons, but I liked the challenge of seeing what would look good if I played with colors and it somehow paid off while making this set for The One Thing by Marci Lyn Curtis. I adore this look. It's sporty and kinda glamorous actually without looking odd. I was kinda scared to pair the neon green with the neon pink but it worked for Marci's cover, why can't it for a look? HAHAHA! Also, the blacks really pulled everything about the look together.

Ahhhhh, my favorite look out of all of them. I know that's bias and all but let me explain. I was pretty skeptical about what pieces would work together coz there's so many elements in the cover of this novel that I was like, "okay, it's not gonna work." and I did want it to work coz it's just too good. So I got inspired by some of the fashion peeps I follow on Instagram and kinda thought making it elegant, classy and kinda business ready too. And when I came up with this look, I checked with the fashion collage queen herself and author of The Girl From Everywhere, Heidi Heilig and she approved of this look, so phew. 

So that's it for this week's Style Misfit! You can definitely replicate some of these looks though some of them are designer brands and are priced really up there, there are definitely alternatives and variations you can play with, whether it's from a vintage store, a thrift shop or if you can splurge a little bit. Do experiment and I'd love to see some of your fashion choices. Thanks for stopping by!

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