
Monday, June 16, 2014

The Misfit Interviews with Bethany Crandell

So, one of my newest author favorites, and my band manager for The Flail Hesitations, Bethany Crandell, joins us in another episode of The Misfit Interviews! Enjoy this one, coz it's a HOOT!

  • How many books are in your bookshelf as of 2014?
I just glanced across the room to said bookshelf, and I’d say there are about 50 books on it, however some of those are my kiddos’ books that have migrated into my bedroom. (Much like the Goldfish cracker crumbs under said bookshelf) I’d say 35 are mine. 

  • If you had a chance to name a pizza, what would it be?
It would be called, ALL MINE!

And it would have grilled chicken breast, roasted red peppers, provolone cheese, pine nuts and a pretzel crust. This pizza actually does exist. You can find it at The Idyllwild Pizza Co. (Idyllwild, CA) and when we get it…it is, ALL MINE!

  •  I guess this is a quintessential, what is your favorite color?
Dusty lilac

  •  Writing rituals?
Spearmint Orbit gum. Fire Jolly Ranchers. Quiet.

  • If you could be an author for a day, who would you like to be?
I’d like to be me, just without any housework. 


1. What basically inspired you to write this novel? 

We live in a very politically correct world--sometimes to the detriment of being true to ourselves and building honest relationships with each other. I wanted to see what would happen when an honest character threw PC out the window and tackled a sometimes-taboo topic without any reservations.

2. Can you tell us what you think of some of the characters in your novel? Particulary Cricket and Quinn.

Despite some opinions that Cricket’s a detestable b*tch, I actually think she’s pretty cool, relatable chick. Sure, she says and thinks some inappropriate things, but I’m pretty sure we all have at one time or another. Quinn is a straight-up, good guy—but he’s also got some flaws. He demands a lot from people. Claire is my favorite character. She’s as genuine as anyone you’ll ever meet. I totally want to hang out with Claire in real life.

3. I'm not that familiar with summer camps but what's it like to be in one?

For lack of a better adjective, summer camp is RAD! New people, new rules, new experiences…Everything in your ‘real life’ ceases to exist the moment you arrive at camp. If you have an opportunity to go—do it!

4. Did you have a snotty, bratty and pampered Cricket in your mind at first or was she drafted in a different way in the earlier versions?

I didn’t write Cricket with any of those traits in mind, she just unveiled herself to me as the story moved along. 

 If Cricket was any different from her character now, what would you have wanted?

Thankfully, Cricket knew who she was from the day I sat down at the computer. I can’t even imagine what a different Cricket would have done to the book. Eeek! *shudders at the thought*

5. Any new developments on a novel? That would be very exciting!

I’ve got a few things in the hopper. Hopefully I’ll have some news to share soon.


P.S. What is your message to those who want to join The Flail Hesitations? I just had to get it out there.. HAHAHA!

The beauty of being a member of The Flail Hesitations is that we rarely practice…like, never. This doesn’t bode well for return gigs, but we’re far too cool to frequent the same venue twice anyway. So, if you’ve got crapastic musical skills and good taste in quirky literature, we want you!! Current openings include: Triangle player, kazoo master and groupie wrangler.

Thank you Bethany! I'm sure our band will do fine! It's amazing! Anyway, Misfit Booknerds, don't forget to check out Bethany's website, Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads pages! Make sure to follow her! 
And here is an awesome giveaway from Bethany Crandell! This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL! So you can leave entries wherever you are! *shimmy dance*

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks again Bethany! I love you! And thank you Misfit Booknerds! Without you, I wouldn't have met anyone as amazing as Bethany! :)

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