
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Top 10 Books On My Current TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where, each week, a Top Ten list is posted based on a particular topic.

So it's another Tuesday and this week's topic is my Top 10 Books On My "Summer" TBR List. Since summer is over for us in this side of the world, I guess I'll just give you the books in my current TBR pile! Lezz do this!

1. Coin Heist by Elisa Ludwig
I already have this up for review and I'm really excited to read this because it involves teens going all Ocean's Eleven on me. I am sold! Plus, Elisa Ludwig is gonna be on the blog with an interview! Don't forget to catch it.

2. Aspen by Rebekah Crane
I don't know what's more interesting than having a ghost of SEEKING REVENGE follow you around. And Ben seems to be really affectionate. I just wanna sink in to this book, NOW! Look forward to my interview with Rebekah too! 

Oliver Wendell "HOLMES"? YES PLEASE! I'm sooold completely!

4. The Moment Collector by Jodi Lynn Anderson
A good ghost! Casper? This book seems entirely interesting and yes! A thriller!

5. Linked by Imogen Howson
Chances are, I may have twin out there somewhere! This book is just interesting! I need to dive in!

6. Unravel by Imogen Howson
I have it, I gots to read it!

7. Paradigm by Ceri A. Lowe
The cover reminds me a lot of Divergent but the story is so different! A definite dystopian read I'm hoping to enjoy with a passion!

8. Teach Her by Mark Kotting
Stories like these which stitches together psychology and humor always interests me. And it talks about teachers which made my mind spark. 

9. You Had Me At Hello by Mhairi McFarlane
A read that had me thinking, "Nicholas Sparks?" But I'm sure I'm going to enjoy this read. It's fun to see how years change people and how love drifts and also stays.

10. Throwaway Girl by Kristine Scarrow
An uplifting story about a girl who just wants to live a normal life after the trials in life. I know I'll love this!

That is it for this week! Be sure to leave comments below and tell me what your TBR list consists of! Check out next week's post of book cover trends! That's gonna be a challenge! Thanks Misfit Booknerds!

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