
Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Hi there Misfit booknerds? How was your holiday? I hope it was amazing filled with books and whatnots. And I hope you got to spend it with your family and friends!!! I had an amazing time since some of my relatives from Las Vegas came home! WOOHOO!!!

Anyway, after my Christmas greeting, I sort of popped away into an abyss for a while, which included a semi-reading slump, going back to school and trying to think of ways how I could actually blog. Which brings me to my current situation.

Though I welcome myself back into the blogging sphere, I will not be as active as I hope I could be. Chances are, I could only publish 1 to 2 posts a month. I'll be lucky if I could get 3 out. That's selling myself waaaay out there.

And the reason is, I will get really, really busy. First, is coz of my thesis. And the whole, "I'M GONNA BE BUSY SO DON'T EFFIN BOTHER ME" is not setting off yet, but it will very soon. And so, I'm already making it official that I will be not around as much, or I can't review books as early as possible (although I don't really do that, sooooo) and I won't be able to do book tags as much as I want to. Basically, my book blogging life is gonna come to a temporary halt.

Sleep tight blogging life...

A hiatus. A time for educational wandering and excursion. It's gonna be torture. But don't worry. Though I will be in a hiatus, I will still try to post if I could and I would try to sneak in some reading time along with reference books and thesis materials.

For now, I'll try to enjoy this week with much liberty as I can afford it. But I do hope you stay with me misfit booknerds! It's your support that has given me the drive to continue this blog! And maybe when I graduate (God please!), I can go back as strong as ever!

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