
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Stacking The Shelves: New Babies

Stacking The Shelves is a feature hosted by Tynga’s Reviews where bloggers share what books (both physical and digital) they received, won, bought, and borrowed.

Hey there Misfit Booknerds! January is upon us and well, did you do a bit of book shopping. I certainly did at least and my mock bookshelf is definitely happy to have these new babies under its wing. 


Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer


Summer on The Short Bus by Bethany Crandell (Signed)
Open Road Summer by Emery Lord


Noggin by John Corey Whaley

Liars, Inc. by Paula Stokes
Solitaire by Alice Oseman

Thank you so much to Bethany Crandell, life and soul of The Flail Hesitations for the signed copy!!! Twas the best Christmas! I think we still need new band members, coz 2 ain't cutting it. LOL. Also, my biggest thanks to Jamie of The Perpetual Page Turner for also giving me the best Christmas present of Open Road Summer!

Many thanks to Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again and Kai of Amaterasu Reads for lending me Noggin and to HarperCollins International for the e-ARCs! I LOVE YOU!

So that's it for my book haul! Tell me what you got last Christmas or this month in the comments! Also, recommend a book to me if you want! :)

All the best Misfit booknerds!

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