
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Fan Interview: Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again (#JenniferESmithMonth)

Hello there Misfit Booknerds! It's another day for #JenniferESmithMonth. Now I know I only posted again till recently because something came up with school. I will talk about it in a separate post because I'm actually quite excited for it! Anyway, I will extend this event till the 2nd week of April, so there'll be more time to join the giveaway and also to read my posts! :)

So anyway, in partnership with my good friend, Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again!, I ask her questions on Jen E. Smith's books and more!

Which of Jennifer's books is your absolute fave and could you tell us why?

  • My absolute favorite is definitely This is What Happy Looks Like. This book made me a fan of Jen and it will forever hold a dear place in my heart. For one, it has my number one set-up/trope of all time, a love story between a celebrity and a common folk. Guys, I can never stress it enough but I read EVERYTHING of this kind. I don't care if the other person is a fan or if he/she isn't, I gobble it up like gummy bears and I gouge myself on gummy bears. But under that superficial reason, This is What Happy Looks Like just hit all the perfect buttons in me. Jen's writing, the characters, the plot, everything was so damn perfect for me that it felt like it was written for me.

If you could date any of the guys from any of Jen's books, who would it be and tell us why you would prefer to date that character?
  • I'll sound like a broken record in here but Graham Larkin!!! #GrahamIsTheMan Uhm, duh, he's my favorite book boyfriend from the Jen reverse harem of book boyfriends. It'll definitely cross off dating a celebrity in my daydream checklist. But in all seriousness, I just related to Graham so much. Sure, not everyone is a celebrity like him who needs to don disguises just to date but his concerns were universal. Being away from his family and not being close to them anymore, being lonely, not being sure about what you're doing, those things. Plus, I'd really like to try a whoopie pie.

What do you find charming about Jennifer's books?
"I find third-person perspective hard to get into but even with just the first page of TGoYaM, I sighed with relief because I just love Jen's writing. It sounds playful, with some hidden comic and light tones, but simply written. Yet, when you read it, it's just different. I hate using the word magical but I just can't think of a word that encapsulates what I feel when I read her novels. It takes me into a different place, that's for sure. It feels wistful, like I'm in a different world where I'd rather be stuck in an elevator during a blackout. It's just, you have to read it for yourself."
That's what's charming about Jen's books. All in all, what makes me coming back for more is Jen's ability to transport me into whatever story she has for me. Simple but wonderful. Life is made up of small moments and Jen writes small moments so unbelievably good that her books read like life for me.

If you could choose a scenario for yourself that Jen would write as a new installment to her series or maybe a standalone book, what would it be?
  • Jen's releasing a sequel novella to This is What Happy Looks Like this April called Happy Again and that's just EXACTLY what I want. <3

Since The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is getting a movie done, who is the actor that you've pictured to play Oliver alongside Hailee Steinfeld's Hadley?
  • Uh-oh, I might get bricked for this but I'm not THAT into Oliver. Sure, I love him too but my being wary/afraid of strangers was a bit of a setback into fully embracing him. So I really didn't picture anyone as Oliver when I read Statistical and I certainly don't know who to cast! I just hope the actor's good because that's all I can wish for.

As a fan of the books, How would you invite everyone to read Jennifer's books?
  • If you're into amazing contemporary YA romance novels, Jennifer E. Smith's books for you. Ugh, that sucked. I suck at pitching. JUST READ HER BOOKS, OKAY?

Your message to Jennifer E. Smith?

Thanks so much to Dianne for letting me interview her for this! I loved her answers and I hope you guys did too! Go and check out her fantastic blog! She is one of my inspirations and she has been supporting me for a very long time! Follow her on Twitter at @oopsireadagain and like her blog's Facebook page!

If you guys want, you can answer any of the questions in the comments below. Check out the giveaway I've set up too! Thanks so much Misfit Booknerds! Till the next feature!

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