
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Book Boyfriends: Oliver

Hi there! Since it's #JenniferESmithMonth in the blog, I didn't exactly know how I'll be able to make this whole thing worthwhile with just posting reviews and a giveaway, so I came up with a brilliant idea to do an analysis of each of the guys in Jennifer's books, just for fun! And since I got to review The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight, I will be playing around my feelings for Oliver.

So Oliver... How do I say this? Well, he's British, has an accent and when I imagine it, it's gorgeous! When I imagine him talking to Hadley, being all smart and all gentlemanly, I go all "Man, I would looove an English man to be my boyfriend right now", and I couldn't help it! Can you blame me?

Some people feel, as they've read the book, that Oliver is cocky and too witty. Well, that's how the world works. And it wasn't like Oliver was full of himself in a way that it harmed his relationship with Hadley. He is pretty straightforward with his feelings though and could seem like the type of to drag you off of your chair and dance with you till you can't anymore, without making it seem like it's a brash gesture.

But at some ways, you sort of wish that he'd be the guy to run after you after you've left. Like, he didn't even bother run after Hadley after that scene. It was one big rendezvous that will somehow remain a dream at some point, but then Hadley looks for him. Like, Oliver, please, you should've done that. Still, I do love him.

Like with every book boyfriends, they have their goodness and flaws, so cherish every moment you get to read them coz the next one might just be as perfect!

Guys, tell me what you think of Oliver in the comments below! And oh by the way, the guy on the poster is Jeremy Irvine. I especially love him and would not mind seeing him play Oliver in the upcoming movie! You can also tell me who you'd want to play as Oliver in the film!

Also, go ahead and join the current giveaway happening! YAY!

Thank you for the support Misfit booknerds!

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