
Saturday, March 7, 2015

KICK OFF POST: #JenniferESmithMonth

Hey there Misfit booknerds! Weird as it is, though I got to read at least one copy of Jennifer E. Smith books, I haven't actually haven't talked about them yet. And then a flash of lightning blurred my eyes for a second and I thought,why not make March "Jennifer E. Smith Month", dedicated to everything Jennifer E. Smith from her books to the characters and everything in between! 

Unfortunately, I'll only get to talk about her 3 books, The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, This Is What Happy Looks Like and The Geography of You and Me. I heard about You Are Here and The Comeback Season from Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again and I'm hoping to include it on my reading list this month!

Do look forward to an interview with Dianne, a post from Hazel of Stay Bookish and a nail art tutorial from the nail art queen, Nicole of Novel Nails Designs/ The Twins Read.

Also, this month, I am hoping to get your help and participation on this! I would like to feature photographs of you and/or your books with a caption. Either it's about your favorite character, quote, or a message to Jennifer. Tell me why you love her books and what you look forward to her future works!

You can send your photos over at my email jayveedecastro @ gmail (dot) com.  You may also contact me through Twitter at @jayvwrites27 and tag me your photo! You may also post them on Instagram. You can use the hashtag, #JenESmithMonth. Photos will be posted here on the blog for the duration of the month. 

I will also host a giveaway that will make you guys excited so, I hope you guys are looking forward to it as I am!

Thanks Misfit booknerds!

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