
Monday, March 9, 2015

Review: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

Title: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Publication: January 2013, Poppy Hachette Little Brown Company
Format: Trade Paperback, 236 pages
Source: Own copy from NBS
Buy it on: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks | The Book Depository | Kobo | National Book Store / Fully Booked (PH)


Four minutes changes everything. Hadley Sullivan 17 misses her flight at JFK airport, is late to her father's second wedding in London with never-met stepmother. Hadley meets the perfect boy. Oliver is British, sits in her row. A long night on the plane passes in a blink, but the two lose track in arrival chaos. Can fate bring them together again?

Misfit Review:

It's very easy to say that a story is captivating when characters fall in love and the story revolves around them, they become star crossed lovers and all those cliche niche stuff that sells to teenagers. What's so good with The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight is that it gears towards a new face of love not constantly tackled in young adult novels: Family.

So the story revolves around Hadley Sullivan who seems to be carrying the hugest angst against her Dad for leaving her and her Mom to pursue his career in the UK. But she finds out that her father has started a new life there and is off to marry. The nerve of him, he actually asks Hadley to be at the wedding. And with her Mother's insisting that she goes, she unwillingly accepts. But then a problem with her flight happened and she had to wait to board. She then meets the enigmatic yet charming Oliver who is headed to the UK as well with his own personal baggage. The two of them share a flight that changes their world.

What makes The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight one of a kind is that it doesn't shade itself to the idea of being entirely new or unique. It's actually just telling a story of fate; totally romantic and will cause hearts to flutter. And it's not bad as long as you know how to tie everything together. You got yourself a simple encounter, a flight that may actually be quite boring but add some romantic tension and dramatic stories from both characters and you got yourself something to swoon over.

Another theme that is touched upon by the story is the value of family and forgiveness. We see Hadley struggle as a character in terms of accepting the change and coming into terms that her father will have to drift away from her somehow. She carries a burden that she wishes she can release once she says her piece to her Dad. What makes Hadley someone whom I admire, is that she's not afraid to actually say what she wants... at least when the situation asks for it. We are taken to Hadley's attendance to the wedding which seemed rather odd and interesting at the same time. She learns to take things slow and patch things up with her Dad.

Then there's Oliver, oh dear sweet peas! Bless him! I don't actually get why some readers find him arrogant and cocky. I honestly don't see that at all! In fact he's such a sweetheart! And please, imagine him with that accent. *faints* What makes Oliver an interesting character is that there's a mystery left to him even after Hadley finds about his issues with his family, He didn't feel like an open book at all, compared to the short-tempered Hadley.

The only thing that I didn't like about this book is that intimate moment on the plane. If you haven't read the book, I won't spoil it for you but you'll either love it or hate it. As for me, I didn't really hate it, I just didn't feel the need to like it because it didn't seem right. I'm sorry for being so traditional, but heck, I guess being stuck with hot English guy at the airport might lead to some tension. Though considering that The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight is a light read, it actually doesn't suggest that with it's characters. It's not actually a let down but it could've been toned down in my opinion.

All in all, Jennifer E. Smith brings fluff to every read that she provides and this novel proves that with love comes its different facets and it deserves to be discussed. She brings it home with amazing characters, a deep core for drama and an ending that would make you wish for more.

There's a statistical probability that you'll fall in love with this book at first sight, so I suggest you grab on to it before it walks away on you.

About The Author:

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Jennifer E. Smith is the author of The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, The Storm Makers, You Are Here, and The Comeback Season. She earned her master's degree in creative writing from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, and currently works as an editor in New York City. Her writing has been translated into 28 languages.

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