
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Bookworms Unite! A PH Book Bloggers and Readers Meet-Up (RECAP)

Hi there Misfit booknerds! Missed me? Yeah. I took those 1 week off things again and yeah, it's either I'm really lazy or a slither of creativity just won't grace itself. HAHAHA! Just kidding! I've been very busy with schoolwork for the past week... and yeah, being lazy. HAHAHA!

But before this week ends, I will tell you what happened to me last Sunday, along with some fellow bloggers and booknerds I got to meet! It's Bookworms Unite!

Since the event was gonna happen in Quezon Avenue, my plan to stay at my aunt's place in Taguig was just too difficult. Other than the traffic, it's just way too far. So I asked one of my best friends, Alia of Ponderings of Psyche, to let me stay at her place in Fairview, also coz she has an idea where the place will be. Her family was kind enough to let me live with them for the night. 

When the day arrived, I dragged Alia to come along with me to the event. We got a little lost at first, but that's how we rule. LOL (Basically, I'm useless in situations like these).

(c) Alia of Ponderings of Psyche

We got to the meet-up just in time though. Wait, no. We were like, 30 minutes late, with Eriele of This Is Not Your Book Blog and Raye of Yolo For A Living arriving later. Most of them were seated, playing cute little games. I got to hug a lot of my blogger and reader friends... everybody. Some people were surprised that I basically knew everyone. Anyway, I got to sit down, but Shelumiel of Bookish and Awesome decided that I should play Playing Eros, which is like a pairing game, analogy if you will. I was so nervous, I didn't get anything right. Again, useless.

I got to also try the Word Soup, which was created by Shelumiel. And it was a word puzzle sent from hell because I can't even contemplate on how complicated it actually was. We get to play the puzzle for 1 minute, up against one other person, and whoever wins gets a prize. Of course, I lost. Boohoo.

On to the next one, which was a lot more challenging, tiring and *whispers* quite embarrassing now that I think about it, was the Cover Reveal Game! We are asked to form teams of three, and from there, we will guess the zoomed in cover of upcoming titles this 2015, flashed on the screen. First to buzz in gets the chance to answer first. Of course, we were pretty much ready for Another Day by David Levithan to come up. It did, and we, Team Die, got it right, earning us our first point.

Team Die woooh! I still question our group name. I think Team Newt would've been perfect! *nudges at Eriele*

After that, we went back to the Word Soup and tried to get as many words as we can, highlighting even the most odd or unrelated words we could. Alia, Eriele and I, were for sure, burned out after that! Thanks Shelumiel for your amazing yet sadistic word puzzle.

(c) Shelumiel of Bookish and Awesome

(c) Alia of Ponderings of Psyche

Before we got to do anything else, we got to take photos of everyone else. I swear if I knew how to make a montage for this, I would. But let's just stick to the scrolling down.

With one of my biggest blogger crushes and very good friend, Hazel of Stay Bookish! Thank you for being so incredibly lovely!

(c) Fay from The Bibliophile Soprano is just so adorable! Thank you for this cute photo!

(c) Fay of The Bibliophile Soprano
(From left to right: JM, Hazel, Eriele, Alia, mois, and Fay)

After that, we played Human Bingo, asking a person to sign as many related matters in the boxes in the bingo card as they could. Kim of Divergent Gryffindor won for this one. She was great!

Afterwards, we got to take more photos, ate some food, then Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again  came in with a bunch of books for prizes. Since we did win in the Cover Reveal Game, we got to choose some books to take home with us! YAY!


(c) Fay of The Bibliophile Soprano
Coz we won at the Cover Reveal Game, I got an ARC of Shackled by Tom Leveen! YAY! Alia got Magonia and Eriele is really clingy about Challenge Deep

(c) Fay of The Bibliophile Soprano
JM was super pumped for his new ARC, so is Raffy too! YAY

Afterwards, they prepared for the Book Blind Date, where they covered up some books, left some attractive descriptions about it, and basically, people paraded on them. Because I didn't bring any books, I didn't exactly get anything except when Inah of The Bibliophile Confessions gave me her copy of Proxy because she has one already. I also got Raf's copies of Divergent and Insurgent since he offered them up to me.

All in all, I think I had a fantastic time at the meet up! I had such a great time seeing my Peculiar Family again and meeting so many new bloggers and old and new friends like Erin of Celestial Pages, Fay of The Bibliophile Soprano, Jem, who is Inah's co-blogger for The Bibliophile Confessions and to Salve, who happens to be an amazing booktuber over at Cuckoo For Books!!! *marathons* And it of course, lovely to see my sweet baby brother from another mother, Raffy of Eccentric Everything, Shanelle of The Art if Escapism, Precious of Fragments of Life, Maricar of Blackplume and of course, Justine of Bookworm Maniac

(c) Alia of Ponderings of Psyche
Peculiar Family! I missed you so much!!!! >.<

(c) Alia of Ponderings of Psyche
Much creep, so cling

(c) Alia of Ponderings of Psyche
Peculiar Family ft. Shelumiel! YEAH!

(c) Alia of Ponderings of Psyche
Peculiar Family ft. Salve and JM!

(c) Inah of The Bibliophile Confessions
With the lovely ladies, Inah and Jem. I feel so popular around these two cuties... Also, I made them cry coz of my All The Bright Places review. HAHAHA! 

Thank you to Hazel of Stay Bookish, Faye of The Social Potato, Aimee of Deadly Darlings (who could not go unfortunately *sigh*), Dianne, Inah and Shelumiel for organizing this wonderful event! I surely had a ton of fun! 

I got to spend more time with JM of Book Freak Revelations, Godwin of Machinations of My Muddled Mind, Raf, Eriele and Alia at Trinoma, played UNO and parted ways. It's been such a long time since I spent this much fun with my bookish friends, it was a great experience.

Here are some of the books I got to take home with me!

Say hi to Uni Thurman, the bear! <3

I hope that this event could be done twice a year or more often to be honest. If not, I hope it is yearly, so more bloggers and readers could connect with each other. Again, thank you to my good friends and new friends who I got to hang out with that weekend! Be sure to check out more of my documented adventures soon. See yah Misfit Booknerds!

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