
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Real Neat Blog Award: Novel Playlist Pains and Doughnut Haikus

I pieced together this photo myself. If you want to use it, you are also welcome to, just credit me or something. You may also create one, since I dunno if there's an official photo.

Hi there Misfit Booknerds! So I decided that instead of my announcement, I'm gonna do a tag, which I have not done in forever... JAYVEE! BOO!!!

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sorry to those bloggers who have been tagging me but I've ignored. Not because I wasn't interested in your tags...but because I was too busy that I actually forgot I was tagged in them. Anyway, I want to do this tag before I go on with my announcement... Thank you to the amazing Miel of Bookish and Awesome for tagging me for the Real Neat Blog Award... (Here's his original post if you'd like to check it out)

Note: My blog is not neat, for one. But heck! LOL.

Here are some of the questions that Miel has prepared. 

1. If you can only eat one group of food for the rest of your life, what would it be? (Classification can be as broad as “desserts” or as specific as “hamburgers.”
  • Even though I seriously thought about swimming in a pool of marshmallows right now, I think I would have to go with flavored chips. Chocolate covered chips, potato chips, crisps, you name it. Just chips. (Seriously though, does having water not count?)

2. What is that book you wish you had when you were younger?

  • I'm debating whether it should be the Baby Sitters Club or Geronimo Stilton. These two, I have read when I was already in high school (BLESS OUR HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY) but I would have to say that Baby Sitters Club defined me as a person when I was in high school and maybe reading it as a kid, say 9-10 years old, would've actually affected me more than I think it did when I was in high school. Maybe it would've prepared me for the worse. *whispers* bullying.

3. Describe your coffee. (Or other favorite drink.)
  • I drink coffee, so how I would usually have it is 1 part coffee, 2 1/2  parts sugar, 4 parts cream. LOL. It's gotta be creamy, like really creamy. I like my creamy coffee *hides all the creamer*

4. Which fictional character you’d switch lives with and why?
  • With a lot of the books I've been reading that have been waaay, waaay too depressing, I think I should just go with a life that seems somewhat stress free? I mean, not completely. I think, with the recent book that I got to read, I'd say I would switch lives with Zak Duquette from The Improbable Theory of Ana and Zak. He's the most easy going main character I have read in a book, in a while, who is refreshing, has tons of fun in comic conventions, and even in a dire situation, he makes light of it. So yeah, Zak. 
Read my review here #ShamelessPlug

5. Which album can you listen to on repeat for one whole day?
  • Not just one day, but two days, Blurryface by Twenty One Pilots. It's so epic, the whole album. I'm gonna go listen to it now then. Also, my current obsession would have to be Hayley Kiyoko's whole discography, which isn't a lot, but I love all the songs in her 2 EPs.

6. In relation to the previous question, select a novel and do its soundtrack.
  • Oh sht. Uhm. I'd choose my favorite novel of the year, All The Bright Places
    • All I Want by Kodaline (Sorry, TFIOS)
    • Shout About It by The Vamps
    • Legendary Lovers by Katy Perry
    • Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots
    • Cliff's Edge by Hayley Kiyoko
    • Leave A Trace by CHVRCHES
    • I Will Wait by Mumford and Sons
    • Constant Conversations by Passion Pit
    • Killing You by Broods
    • Never Let Me Go by Florence and The Machine

7.And lastly, write a poem or haiku or song for either waffle or doughnut.
"Oh doughnut so good
Sweetly glazed and beautiful
Set my soul on fire."
Yay there!!! Thanks again to Miel for nominating me! Here are the people who I wish should try doing this tag.

Anette of Anette The Wicked
Chiara of Delicate Eternity
Aimee of Deadly Darlings
Aentee of Read At Midnight
Jasmine of Jasmine Pearl Reads
Erika and Miedjel of Partners In Books

Anyone can participate, even if you weren't tagged, coz that's how I roll. Just say I tagged you though, coz judgement. LOL.

You can use the same questions above, or here are some of the questions you can consider.

1. How would you separate book crushes to book boyfriends?
2. What book or book series do you wish you'd written?
3. What is your favorite type of music? And who are your favorite bands/artists?
4. That one comfort food that makes you feel better all the time is?
5. Do you watch anime or read manga? If yes, what are you watching and reading. And if no, would you like to try it out?
6. If there's an ability you wish you had in real life, what would it be?
7. In continuation to the haiku series, write a haiku about your favorite male fictional character

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