
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Misfit Giveaways: #JenniferESmithMonth

To commemorate this very special month on the blog, I decided to actually give back to you, Misfit booknerds and those who are new to this whole thing! I checked my Rafflecopter page and it said that the last time I ever did a giveaway that was my own was 200+ days ago. *hides in shame*

I feel terrible for the fact that you guys have constantly supported this measly blog and I haven't given back for a while. This time, for the #JenniferESmithMonth, the blog event I decided to put up, I wanna give away something special...


a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner will be chosen a few days after the giveaway is finished and will be notified through email. Since the copy of the book will be released on September, I will email you the details as to how you may receive your copy on the release date or a few days after.

The winner if chosen from the Philippines, may receive the copy a few days after the release of the book here (depending on if it will be simultaneous to the US release). It will be sent through the local couriers.

The winner if chosen from another country, may receive the copy depending on how long The Book Depository ships to your country. Just make sure that they do.

Again, once drawn, the winner will be notified through email and has only 48 hours to respond to it. Till then, a new winner will be drawn out. If the winner is to negotiate anything with me, make sure to do it through the email.

Thank you for participating Misfit Booknerds! And good luck! It might be a long wait but heck, who doesn't want a copy of this? HAHAHA! Happy Jennifer E. Smith Month!

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