
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Round Up: Love Was Definitely In The Air...I Mean Blog (February)

Hi there Misfit booknerds! Oh my god! February was mad, wasn't it? Like mad busy! I didn't expect that it would be so packed with tons of stuff it was absolutely great! Love was definitely the recurring theme on the blog this month and I got to bring back old favorites and introduce new ones! So yeah, let's do this!


I got to review 3 books this month, which is a miracle! WOOOHOOO!!! *cries a river*

This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp
A Study In Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro

I would've pushed for another one. But that can wait this March. HAHAHA!

Also, an update on my bookish resolution for February! I did read an autobiography...Well, more like listened to it since it's an audiobook. I went with Tina Fey's Bossypants which is absolutely hilarious! I'll share my review soon! As for a general fiction book, I was reading Gone Girl but didn't get to finish it. At least I started it. HAHA! I was caught up with other books. I apologize. But I'm happy I got through my resolutions so yay! March is gonna be tough, but I'm excited!

I also announced #ADSOMReadalong, which was a Twitter event set up by the amazing V. E. Schwab and she talked about A Darker Shade of Magic and answered tons of questions from fans. Unfortunately I couldn't join in if I wanted to coz busy but OH MY GOD! The things I've discovered. Shout to the void. They are amazing! She also answered some queries on A Gathering Of Shadows, and someone bless me with a copy! Thank you!

Now, for new things, I introduced my event "CHOCOLATES, FIRST LOVES AND BOOK CRUSHES", which is an event I set up early on in January and invited some debut authors to join in. There was talk about Valentines, love and crushes and their books. It was super great! I'll be posting my recap soon but here's some of the interviews if you missed out on them.

I also introduced "STYLE MISFIT", which is a weekly feature on the blog about style, bookish fashion and I seriously still don't know where this is going but I enjoy making book cover inspired fashion sets and I shared them on the blog and it was received pretty well. I'll be posting another one soon. So yay!

Another new thing is "The Blog Crashers" which is an event I set up as an open blog thing. I actually wanted to do this in February but given the amount of posts that'll be crowding the blog, I decided otherwise on the idea and just went with March. So the concept is basically to invite blogs/bloggers to do interviews or guest posts and it will run through the whole of March, so yeah. If you're a blogger and interested then you can sign up to be a part of it.

Now for the things that came back.

LOVE-A-THON!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Love-A-Thon is a fantastic event hosted by Alexa of Alexa Loves Books, Mel of The Daily Prophecy, Cee of The Novel Hermit and Hazel of Stay Bookish. I joined the event last year and remembered how much fun I had so I decided to join again this year and I've made so many new blogger friends and readers too and I just enjoyed doing the challenges and joining the Twitter chats! I've linked you guys to the recap post of each of the hosts so check them out!

Here's every post I've made for Love-A-Thon this year:

Top Ten Tuesday:

I brought it back! After a year of basically no Top Ten Tuesday posts, I decided that I enjoyed doing them, why did I ever stop, so I brought them back! WEEEE! 

Waiting On Wednesday:

I also brought this back! And there's just so many amazing 2016 releases to look forward to, tbh!

Tunes Pod:

I mainly listened to Japanese stuff this month. *yikes* And also Hamilton but I'll include that on my next Tunes Pod.


So, basically again, there's ton of stuff that went on on the blog this February and thank goodness it went smoothly! Thank you for sticking with me this month! As for Binge Club, I'll be posting that probably tomorrow. Sucks, I know. Anyway, do look forward to a fairly busy March too. YAY!

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