Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Fan Interview: Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again (#JenniferESmithMonth)

Hello there Misfit Booknerds! It's another day for #JenniferESmithMonth. Now I know I only posted again till recently because something came up with school. I will talk about it in a separate post because I'm actually quite excited for it! Anyway, I will extend this event till the 2nd week of April, so there'll be more time to join the giveaway and also to read my posts! :)

So anyway, in partnership with my good friend, Dianne of Oops I Read A Book Again!, I ask her questions on Jen E. Smith's books and more!

Which of Jennifer's books is your absolute fave and could you tell us why?

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Book Boyfriends: Oliver

Hi there! Since it's #JenniferESmithMonth in the blog, I didn't exactly know how I'll be able to make this whole thing worthwhile with just posting reviews and a giveaway, so I came up with a brilliant idea to do an analysis of each of the guys in Jennifer's books, just for fun! And since I got to review The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight, I will be playing around my feelings for Oliver.

So Oliver... How do I say this? Well, he's British, has an accent and when I imagine it, it's gorgeous! When I imagine him talking to Hadley, being all smart and all gentlemanly, I go all "Man, I would looove an English man to be my boyfriend right now", and I couldn't help it! Can you blame me?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Misfit Giveaways: #JenniferESmithMonth

To commemorate this very special month on the blog, I decided to actually give back to you, Misfit booknerds and those who are new to this whole thing! I checked my Rafflecopter page and it said that the last time I ever did a giveaway that was my own was 200+ days ago. *hides in shame*

I feel terrible for the fact that you guys have constantly supported this measly blog and I haven't given back for a while. This time, for the #JenniferESmithMonth, the blog event I decided to put up, I wanna give away something special...


Monday, March 9, 2015

Review: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

Title: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Publication: January 2013, Poppy Hachette Little Brown Company
Format: Trade Paperback, 236 pages
Source: Own copy from NBS
Buy it on: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks | The Book Depository | Kobo | National Book Store / Fully Booked (PH)


Four minutes changes everything. Hadley Sullivan 17 misses her flight at JFK airport, is late to her father's second wedding in London with never-met stepmother. Hadley meets the perfect boy. Oliver is British, sits in her row. A long night on the plane passes in a blink, but the two lose track in arrival chaos. Can fate bring them together again?

Misfit Review:

It's very easy to say that a story is captivating when characters fall in love and the story revolves around them, they become star crossed lovers and all those cliche niche stuff that sells to teenagers. What's so good with The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight is that it gears towards a new face of love not constantly tackled in young adult novels: Family.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

KICK OFF POST: #JenniferESmithMonth

Hey there Misfit booknerds! Weird as it is, though I got to read at least one copy of Jennifer E. Smith books, I haven't actually haven't talked about them yet. And then a flash of lightning blurred my eyes for a second and I thought,why not make March "Jennifer E. Smith Month", dedicated to everything Jennifer E. Smith from her books to the characters and everything in between! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

{BLOG TOUR} The Misfit Interviews: Catherine Doyle

Hello there Misfit Booknerds! For a blog tour, I got to interview the amazing Catherine Doyle, author of Vendetta! Check it out!

What's inspired you to write Vendetta?

  • I’ve always been really interested in movies about the criminal underworld. Some of my favorites are about the mafia: The Godfather, Goodfellas, The Departed, Casino. But, I’m also a die-hard fan of everything Disney, and epic romance in general. I wanted to marry the two ideas in a new way for a teenage audience. I just wasn’t sure how. Then one night as I was trying to fall asleep, an image popped into my head. It was five boys doused in shadow, standing side-by-side in front of an old crumbling mansion. I was looking at them through the eyes of someone else – a girl, who was wondering who they were and where they had come from. They were the exact characters I needed, I realized, and they were ready to tell their story. I started writing Vendetta that night. 

How does it feel to finally see your hard work in print?

It is the strangest, most amazing feeling. It really is a dream come true.

How much of Sophie's character is like/unlike you?

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