Monday, February 23, 2015


It's my final post for this year's Love-A-Thon! I did wish I got to do the book spine poetry and Valentine card, but I was a tad busy and also timezones and sleep. LOL! Anyway, this post will focus on my "high" fives.

Let's get started!


I am currently reading Shaun Hutchinson's The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley, although I wouldn't say it is making me extremely happy though it is good, but if I have a hangover over a book, and still currently high over it, it would be nothing, Top Ten Clues You're Clueless by Liz Czukas, because it's the happiest book I have read in a while. I could've said All The Bright Places or My Heart and Other Black Holes, but if you've read them, you'd understand where I'm coming from.


Well, the current genre I have been really into lately would have to be contemporary romance genres just because most of my TBR consists of them, though I'd appreciate a new experience. I just need to save up some money for now. LOL. Also, I may be entering this phase where you I am romantically needy now that I'm 21 and all? I dunno HAHAHA!


Though she has killed me, I would say Jennifer Niven is the author I am really really happy to interact with over at Twitter. She has become one of my good friends and I love working with her too!


I'm afraid I cannot say only one but I have three blogs that I have been constantly checking out since the year started and almost too frequently too and those are Sab The Bookeater, Stay Bookish and The Perpetual Page Turner. I dunno, they just make me happy and inspired to blog, although there are tons of book bloggers out there I respect and commend for their hard work! But for now, these three are my faves! *heart eyes everywhere*


Now I'm on a stump. I don't really have a lot of bookish merchandise, some bookmarks if you prefer but as for something I'm obsessed with right now? Nope, there's nothing and I feel bad. Like, I would've loved it if I had a sweater with a book cover printed on it but, I don't, unfortunately. *cries*. 

Anyway, that's it for my post! Thank you to Alexa Loves Books for making this event possible and for allowing my humble, little blog to be a part of it! And to the wonderful bloggers of whom I share the same passion, thank you so much! I am hoping to bond over with you with virtual cakes and coffee, if not, tea, and fictional boyfriends/girlfriends!

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