Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: Desperate Demands To Meet These Authors

Hello there Misfit Booknerds! Did you miss me? I sure did! I took a week off or two from blogging (like I always do), to focus on summer school and some stuff for our thesis... also coz I'm lazy... and also I was catching up with some reading. Anyway, I have missed doing features and one of them is for Top Ten Tuesday, which is one of my favorites.

If you have my feature on "Authors I Wish Were My Best Friends," most of them will probably be in this list, so I don't know if this makes it all easier or pure and utter torture. Let's get started.

1. Jennifer Niven- Since she's not only one of my closest author friends, but she also owes me an apology for Finch, if you know what I mean, so meeting her would not only potentially murder me, but would bring peace to my heart. She's also soooo nice, like who wouldn't want to meet her? She's also so pretty. Jen, how do you do it? Like, how? *puts thinking hat*

2. Rainbow Rowell- I need to take rights for Lincoln. If I do meet her, OH GOD PLEASE LET IT BE, I will most likely give her a marriage contract with my name and Lincoln's in it... In any case, I'll prepare one with Levi in it too.

3. John Green- I think everyone wants to meet John and of course I'm one of the hopefuls. Not only do I want to meet him coz he's an amazing author, but because he's bloody inspiring and just one, huge goofball! I wish, if I do meet him, that he has Sarah (The Yeti) or Hank with him. That would totally do it for me.

4. Becky Albertalli- If there's one author that I know I can share something special to my heart, it's Becky. She's in love with Oreos as much as I do, and if only I can swipe her from a signing and bring her to a tub full of Oreos, I would. Her debut novel, Simon and The Homo Sapiens Agenda is gorgeous and not being able to see her yet kills me inside.

5. Jay Asher- Before John Green's The Fault In Our Stars murdered me, there was this guy's Thirteen Reasons Why that sent me to the deepest of holes and caused me to probably fill up a whole reservoir. To discuss his novel and writing style with him will be a dream come true. I can't wait to read more stuff from him.
6. Sarah J. Maas- I'm new to the Sarah J. Maas fever courtesy of her new novel A Court of Thorns and Roses, thus I will be starting my copy of Throne of Glass and maybe practically die from all the feels. And if my eyes aren't fooling me, Sarah kinda looks like Jennifer Lawrence, who is a fave, so why wouldn't I want to meet her? UGH!

7. David Levithan- I've been frustrated to meet David since forever. Reading Dash and Lily somehow prompted me to have this mindset that he's at The Strand every day and that if I go there, I'll run into him. However, the universe is an evil, evil entity and did not place me anywhere near The Strand or New York to stalk him... I JUST WANT TO MEET HIM!!!! *chases imaginary waterfalls like the TLC*

8. Maureen Johnson- If you need someone to raid a publishing company's secret stash, I think Maureen might just win at life. She has the funniest tweets, I dunno why she didn't make my best friends list. She is beyond funny and everytime I see her tweet, and I reply, I always look forward to a reply back, like a puppy waiting for treats. I know I know, I'm pathetic. I'd be a freaking mess if I met her in real life...I'll be bursting into flames.

9. Jay Kristoff- Jay wins at being brutally honest and nice at the same time... He's just one of my favorite authors. I'm still bummed I haven't read Endsinger yet and then Illuminae is coming out and I dunno what to do. ASDFGHJKL!!!!!!! I mean, he lives in Australia ( I dunno if he's there right now) and the Philippines is like a neighbor... Drop by, Jay! I swear I'll be a good, behaved fangirl!

10. Bethany Crandell- Finally, one of my fave authors in the world, just because we get along and she's like, one of the first authors I could ever call my best friend/band manager for The Flail Hesitations... P.S. The Flail Hesitations is a made-up band. I am in no way amazing at playing the drums, which makes me sad, however Bethany supports me and my dreams! HAHAHA! We are still looking for a triangle player, so please? If I do meet Bethany, which I know I will, I'll probably just have a nice afternoon coffee or tea or something and it'll just be girl bonding. AHHHHH <3

So that's it for this feature! Do know that I would looove to meet many authors, a 100 still or more whom I adore so much! Leave in the comments below which authors you are desperate to meet and maybe we share some of them! Thank you for sticking with me Misfit Booknerds! Till next time!

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