Friday, December 19, 2014

Artist Interview: B I B L I O D U C K S, A Graphic Collaboration

Hi there Misfit Booknerds! How you've been? It's been some time since I featured some very special talents here in the blog and I have been lucky enough to be acquainted with some of them and two of which I'll be featuring right now. Meet Sayyeda and Drei of BIBLIODUCKS.

Sayyeda Shah is the graphic illustrator for SAII Illustrations while Drei San Juan manages Aegisdea. Both gruel their time in making amazing graphic illustrations and layouts. Though they have different aesthetics and styles, they decided to work together to form BIBLIODUCKS, a page dedicated to provide fanarts of fictional characters, may it be from books, favorite TV shows and the likes. They print out posters and bookmarks lately but damn these guys should include t-shirt printing to their roster!

I decided to stalk them for a bit and ask them some questions! Here it is!

All photos and illustrations used in this post are copyrighted and owned by the designers. I received permission to use this for the interview. 

1. Hi there guys! So, were you always inclined to art at an early age?

Sayyeda (S): Oh gosh no. Haha. The only art I was into before was poetry lol. But visual? Not so much. I guess I haven't discovered the joys of digital art yet, but back then I didn't see myself doing art when I grew up. I only decided to do art when I was around my third year in highschool.

Drei (D): Hullo! Well according to my parents I have been inclined to it since I was 5. The only memory I remember though was when I sas 7 years old and Voltes V was showing on the telly and since then I aspire to draw things anime!

2. How did you guys meet or get to know each other and how did the collaboration start?

S: I met Drei last year at the fandom group of TMIPH. Haha. She was posting pretty awesome character illustrations back then so I decided to add her. The collab started when I was planning for Marie Lu's booksigning here. I remember her doing character illustrations for The Young Elites so I thought it would be cool to turn them into posters.

D: Well, it was back in 2013, when I was a total noob in the TMI fandom (Or in the YA fandom in general). I did not expect people to like my drawings when I shared it in the Filipino Shadowhunters group, Ate Dianne and Saii were one if the few people who caught my attention. They were kind and they fangirl a lot! Saii had Stark as her surname so I instantly added her as a friend (To be honest, I don't remember if I was the one who added her). Little did I know that she was an illustrator too. So here I was, silently liking her entries from the shadows (I love how she does her eyeliner hahahaha). We didn't get to talk much up until now, I'm also a very awkward person in online chatting. But I'm happy to have met her! And I'm very excited for our collaboration!

3. As graphic designers, how do you set yourselves apart from other's works? Would you say your style has changed over the years?

S: My style is mostly vector. I know there are a lot of vector artists out there too, but lately I've been going for more colorful illustrations. And I've been playing with brushes in Illustrator too.

D: It's funny because it was only 2014 that my style became very consistent in comparsion to the previous years.

4. Why start BIBLIODUCKS? What things did you consider first before starting this collaboration?

S: After Marie Lu's signing, a lot of people were asking me if we will be selling the posters cause they'd definitely buy it. Drei and I talked about it and decided that yes, we'd be releasing posters for sale. I guess the biggest thing we needed to consider was the production of these posters and if we'd have time to do so. Since I am in charge of the printing and shipping, I decided to do all those on the weekends since I have work and have no time on weekdays.

D: Well, it all started when Marie Lu went ti the Philippines. Saii pm'd me and asked if it's okay to use the fanarts I made for TYE. I was like, "SURE". I was truly happy that Saii considered using my drawings for fan banners in the event. I mean even though I can't go to the signing at least my artworks can, riiight? Riiight?

After a few days, when Saii posted a picture of the printed posters she made, people have been asking if we're going to sell them. At first I was too shy to talk to Saii about it, since I'm aware how tiring managing an online store is plus we're a state away from each other, printing and payments will become a hassle. But then people keep on talking about, so that basically motivated me to talk to Saii about it. It's really overwhelming to know that people loved the posters that she and I made.

5. What specific things inspire you as artists?

S: For me it's anything, really. What's fun and a bit frustrating though, is that ideas and inspiration come at the most random and unexpected moments so once the idea hits me, I really have to write it down or else I'll eventually forget about it.

D: A lot of things inspire me!

Artists and their etiquette and style inspire me. The people who believe I have the potential in art inspires the hell out of me. Being an aspiring illustartor has lots of ups and downs and It's overwhelming to know that majority of the people who sees my artworks believe that I'm going to go places and that idea just inspires me to work hard, learn more stuff and improve my craft more!

6. Starting a business such as poster and bookmark printing is pretty rare! What other merchandise do you guys wish to sell and the same as being artists, how will you set yourselves apart from the competition since the market of the fandom business is rampant out there?

S: We're not really sure about these plans yet. For now we're just doing prints. Maybe shirts someday? I guess what sets us apart are the works are more of Illustrations. Like, you see other shirts are more on typography or simple vector designs. Also, the designs were really made by us, so there's an extra personal touch to that.

D: Starting a business such as poster and bookmark printing is pretty rare! What other merchandise do you guys wish to sell and the same as being artists, how will you set yourselves apart from the competition since the market of the fandom business is rampant out there?

- It'll be awesome if we get to print our stuff on tshirts, mugs and totebags!

We're different from the rest because we have our original works on our side!

7. Issues about copyright and crediting the artist for one's work is been going around lately. What are your thoughts?

S: Crediting is not enough. People have to ask permission from the artists to use their work, that's why when I got the poster idea I consulted with Drei first if she would allow me to use her illustrations.

D: I still don't get why people have the nerve to steal artworks and sell them without the permission of the artist.

I believe an artwork is a part of an artist's soul that was picked out and honed aeasthetically for the world to see and feel its creator's vision and feelings. Reposting/stealing an artwork without any credits is like mutilating an artist limb by limb. Okay, that sounded gruesome, but you get my point!

8. Finally! What are your messages to other graphic artists out there who wish to go into business or just with their art?

S: Find your style and develop it. Refine it. Make it your own. Love that style because that is going to be your identity as an artist. You are your worst critic so don't be so hard on yourself. If you feel that you artwork is not enough, keep on practicing until you become satisfied

D: Finally! What are your messages to other graphic artists out there who wish to go into business or just with their art?

- KEEP ON DRAWING GUYSSSS! There will be a lot of ups and downs, but that will pass! Practice will make you better! And don't be ashamed to be heavily inspired and influenced by other artists! Don't hesitate to dream big!

Love you lots! Don't give up!

Well there you go! That's it for the interview part! Let's see more of their works! 

By the way, I do not tolerate any form of usage of the photos that will be featured in this post for any personal or business purposes. They are copyrighted material, so please, if you wish to purchase or use the photos in any way, you may contact either Sayyeda or Drei. I will leave their Facebook pages for you. Thank you!

Adelina Amouteru and The Reaper from The Young Elites

Khaleesi! *cries*

Simon and Clary from The Mortal Instruments


Badass Tyrion!!! 

Cute original from Saii! 

To buy from BIBLIODUCKS, like their Facebook page and inquire: BIBLIODUCKS or email them at

To know more about Sayyeda's SAII Illustrations, check out her Facebook Page:
 Behance website:

Drei's Aegisdea's Facebook Page:

I do encourage some authors to contact these wonderful graphic artists because they have talent and yeah, they are amazing! As for all the Misfit Booknerds out there, help spread the word out! Thank you!!! Support amazing artists like them! :)

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