Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Book Review: The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom (2013)

It's been a while since I've reviewed a book full-scale, I believe. Since I believe I've also been busy with school and reading other books to make sure I get to finish a 100 in a year, I cannot set my priorities straight. But I still, in my right mind *whispers* I believe, that I can review a book even if it's not as intensely long as some of the others I made. I'll probably just go straight to the point.

             (Hopefully, there won't be harsh reactions to any of my reviews... THANK YOU!!!)

Go to GoodReads for synopsis and to order your copies: The First Phone Call From Heaven

The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom is one of those books that challenges my mind as well as my faith, in what I believe in, in what's the truth, in the regrets of the past and the wonders of the future you can't necessarily grab.

Photo Credits to ABS-CBN News
(Mitch with his book! Isn't he adorable!)

Mitch Albom has again, delivered a wonderful read that focuses on life's biggest regrets being piled into one and how a single phone call can change anyone's life for better or for worse. The book talks about how we are driven to do things out of the mistakes and doubts. The main character Sully was such a complicated character to analyze at first but when you get to know him, you'll find that he's just a man, a husband and a father. 

There are plot twists in the novel were actually right in your face, you just gotta be more analytic and observe each and every person in the book since it has so many characters that could rear your focus to another direction. 

All in all, the book was a fantastic read. Though I expected to finish the book in an earlier time, school works were bitches! HAHAHA! 

Mitch Albom was able to incorporate wonderful details like Alexander Graham Bell, Elisha Gray and other notable facts about the invention of the telephone and how he can link each instances with the present situation of the main characters of the story. He also had great descriptions of news articles and reports being   transmitted to people who wanted to know anything about the miraculous town and why they even get the phone calls from heaven.

The book truly does test your mentality and your belief, whether you'd be anything like Sully or Katherine Yellin. It is definitely a must read!

Now for my Filipino Misfits!!!! MITCH ALBOM will be having a book signing tour here in the Philippines on Feb 22 (Glorietta) and Feb 23 (Ayala Center Cebu). Here are mechanics to the book signing event!

Photo Credits to Daddy and The City Blog

Mitch Albom Book Signing Tour 2014 Signing Mechanics

(These mechanics are from National Book Store. Flyers are available for every purchase of The First Phone Call From Heaven)

1. Every purchase of “The First Phone Call from Heaven” (TFPCFH) by Mitch Albom from National Book Store, Powerbooks, Bestsellers or National Book Store Express shall come with a Mitch Albom flyer. Please note that the flyer is not a guaranteed signing pass.

2. There is no limit as to how many copies of TFPCFH can be purchased by a customer.

3. On the day of the event, only guests with an original Mitch Albom flyer that came from a TFPCFH book bought at National Book Store, Powerbooks, Bestsellers or National Book Store Express, will be allowed to register. First come, first served.

4. The book signing events shall be at the following times and dates:
• February 22, 2014, 2 p.m. / Glorietta Activity Center
• February 23, 2014, 2 p.m. / Ayala Center Cebu
Registration at both events will start at 10 a.m.

5. Upon registration, customer shall get their numbered Signing Pass.

One (1) TFPCFH book = One (1) Mitch Albom book of your choice to be signed.

For example, if you bought three (3) copies of TFPCFH and have three (3) flyers, you may have three (3) books signed (e.g. One (1) Tuesdays with Morrie + One (1) The Five People you Meet in Heaven + One (1) The First Phone Call From Heaven).

6. Mitch Albom will only sign books. T-shirts, DVDs, CDs and other merchandise will not be signed. There shall be no personalization of the books.

7. There is no preset limit as to how many people can have their books signed and every effort will be made to have as many books signed as possible. However, should there be an excessive number of people, National Book Store reserves the right to limit (a) the number of people who can have their books signed or (b) the number of books each person may have signed. First come, first served.

8. Guests may take photos during the signing session. However, we strictly allow only one photo per person.

I will be there are the book signing event guys!!! YAY! I will do a cover for my blog and also get a book signed! Though I only won my copy at a giveaway, I had sweet, sweet Eriele get me perks to another copy! YAY! Thank you to Saab Magalona by the way for the giveaway! <3 Visit her blog: spellsaab.com

Follow National Book Store on Twitter for updates on the Mitch Albom Book Signing Tour: @nbsalert

I will see you all there MISFITS! And we can talk all day and have fun with Mitch Albom! Thanks for the love! Leave a comment or tweet me! THANK YOU SO MUCH MISFITS! I LOVE YOU ALL!

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