Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Blog Crashers: JM of Book Freak Revelations

The Blog Crashers is a blog event featuring book bloggers who crash into my blog for a day. They talk about themselves, their blog, books and more! 

I’m never good at formally introducing myself, but that won’t stop me from making this post a great one. In real life, I am actually a lot more spontaneous than I might sound through my answers. And I’m certainly a lot more interesting. Haha! So, anyway, hi everyone!

1.  Hi! Thank you for taking your time for the blog! Now, please introduce yourself.

  •  Hi, all! My name is JM Cabral. A full-time Hotel and Restaurant Management student by day, a passionate book blogger by night.

2. Where are you blogging from?

  • I live and blog from the lively city of Marikina, Philippines.
3. What’s your blog’s name and what inspired your blog’s name?
  • My blog’s name is Book Freak Revelations. Before I decided to create a book blog, I joined a bookish group on Facebook named “Pinoy Book Freaks United”. It’s where I met most of my wonderful bookish friends, and we first met during Marie Lu’s book signing event last 2014. After a few more events, I finally decided on making a book blog, incorporating the name of the group I joined as well as my goal for the blog: to reveal my bookish thoughts which may or may not be similar to that of other readers.

4. How long have you been blogging and what do you enjoy most about it?
  • I’ve been blogging for more than 8 years now, and what I enjoy most about it is the freedom I have over my own thoughts, ideas, and opinions. I’ve always been the kind of person who loved sharing his thoughts about anything under the sun, and obviously, blogging is the best way to see it through.

5. Who would you say is/are the person/people who influenced you to blog?
  • No one actually encouraged me to blog when I first started. It was my own decision. But, if we’re talking about bloggers who inspire me to keep on doing what I do, then Hazel from Stay Bookish, might just be one of them. I’ve been a follower of her blog for years now, and seeing the content she posts, the photos she take, and the actual feels her blog emanates, inspires me to actually try and be great at what I do. And generally, I am also deeply inspired by the work that EVERY book blogger contributes to make the literary community as peaceful and entertaining as can be. 

6. Have you had any frustrations or insecurities about blogging?
  • As a matter of fact, yes I have! I’ve felt insecure plenty of times when it comes to my blog, my photos, and my content. For everyone’s information, I’ve been blogging for years now and yet, it doesn’t seem like my blog gets the recognition or attention I feel it deserves. I don’t want to sound too sad about it, but there are tons of bloggers who’ve been blogging for a shorter time that I have, and yet, they’re more established. But at the end of the day, I always come to the realization that everyone has their own way in getting by. We simply have to do what we have to do. And yes, I like the way how I manage my accounts.

7. What is the best experience you’ve had when blogging and what do you love about the community?
  • The best experience for me will always be meeting new people with whom I share the blogging passion with. Nothing feels greater than getting to know tons of people who likes reading and reviewing books the same way I do. It makes for a great relationship, right?

8. Now, share a photo of you with your current read/fave read.

9. Now, in that fave or current read, choose an actor/actress you’d like to play any of the characters and explain why.
  • I specifically want Alexander Ludwig to play Darrow au Andromedus. I just know he’ll be a great Darrow who’s as strong as he is passionate. Not to mention physically fit, beautiful, and literally “Gold material”, if you know what I mean. (LOL)

10. What’s your shower song? Or what do you mostly think in the shower? (I’m sorry. I’m a perv)
  • As of the moment, Style by Taylor Swift will always be my shower song. Don’t judge me, okay, but I feel very sexy and model-y whenever I hear this song for reasons I can’t even understand. Although, I also like dancing to Feelin’ Myself by Beyonce whenever I’m in the shower. (THIS IS TOO MUCH HAHAHAHA!)

  • <
11. What is the one movie you’ll never get tired of watching from the time to time?
  • Letters To Juliet will always be my all-time favorite movie. I mean, come on! Who doesn’t like the idea of real and true love that survives trying times, right? What I love about it is the premise that if you truly are destined to be together, nothing can ever separate you and your loved one. Also, have you heard the letter about “What ifs?” Oh my God, right?

12. What other hobbies or passion projects do you have?
  • Since I’m an HRM student, I also love cooking! Pasta dishes, in my own personal opinion, are my forte. I like experimenting with different flavors and you can never go wrong with a plain Carbonara, right? (This is making me hungry.)

13. What books from 2016 are you super excited to read. You may put 5-10 books...or less if you like

Oh my god, really? You’re making me choose?

14. What would you like to say to Jayvee? LOL
  • Oh, sweet pea. You already know just how much I love you. I just hope we could meet sometime soon since you already know just how much I miss you.

15. Your message to the blogging community?
  • Never stop supporting your co-book lovers, guys! Showing your support through whatever form it might be will always mean more to someone than you’ll ever know. Be appreciative of the posts you read, the people you meet, and the experiences you share with everyone. I don’t know about you guys, but book friends are absolutely the BEST friends you’ll ever meet. I know mine are. And always, ALWAYS, be kind.

And that’s pretty much it! After having read my answers, you might just know more about me than my own best friend! Haha! Some of my answers are quite personal and it’ll give you a glimpse as to what I am like in real life. I just hope you found my answers interesting! Haha, until the next one!

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