Title: Nihal of The Land of The Wind (Chronicles of the Overworld #1)
Author: Licia Troisi
Publication: May 27th 2014, Open Road Media (First published in Italian in 2004 by Mondadori)
Format: e-ARC (in English), 230 pages
Source: Open Road Media through Netgalley (Thank you!)
Buy it on: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks | Kobo

Nihal lives in one of the many towers of the Land of the Wind. There is nobody like her in the Overworld: big violet eyes, pointed ears, and blue hair. She is an expert in swordplay and the leader of a handful of friends that includes Sennar the wizard. She has no parents; brought up by an armorer and a sorceress, Nihal seems to be from nowhere.Things suddenly change when the Tyrant takes charge. Nihal finds herself forced to take action when she is faced with the most difficult mission a girl her age could imagine.Fierce, strong, and armed with her black crystal sword, Nihal sets out to become a real warrior.
Misfit Review :
*I was provided an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review
If there is anything more investing than reading a fantasy novel, then please don't sign me up for it because I realized how difficult it could be long ago. It's taxing to remember all the characters and those involved and if it's straight up action and dragons, I get rather bored. It took me a while to finish this novel but maybe it was school or I was just really, really tired. But when I got the opportunity to read it more, I found out that I actually enjoyed reading Nihal of The Land of The Wind, or "NIHAL" as I would like to call it.
Her feelings of nostalgia, loneliness, and regret were heightened, but her heart did not waver. She wanted her childhood back--all the fun, innocence, and peace she had felt.
So we are taken into the Overworld where the feisty and spunky Nihal resides at the Land of The Wind with her father, Livon, who is an armors maker. She wants to be a Dragon Knight so badly and wished to learn how to really fight and learn magic, which her father took with animosity. But in the end, Nihal prevailed in her wishes, training under Soana, Livon's sister, who happens to be a sorceress with an apprentice named Sennar. We are taken into their world where Nihal must learn to fight against the odds against the dominating Tyrant and to make people realize her worth as a warrior and as a woman.
She was strong, unbeatable. Nothing could stop her. This was what the croud was shouting, and she believed them.
Nihal is a story of hard work, revenge and self worth. I enjoyed reading this book though it took me a while to really take into liking it. The story's pace at first was rather slow for me but then it got more engaging and you end up seeing yourself liking everything that is happening around. I specifically loved Nihal's determination to learn and protect her land. It was a story that allowed me to appreciate kingdom stories more and also the inclusion of romance.
I guess that I appreciated the story because of the little hints of romance. Sennar is such a lovable guy because of his wit and humor. It's just unfortunate that Nihal is so dense or rather fixated with Fen. Another thing I loved about the story is that the action's just right! And oooh! DRAGONS! I can die now.
For a split second, Sennar was afraid of her. She wasn't the same girl he'd met in Salazar. She'd changed, though he couldn't say just how.
Licia Troisi wrote a really interesting story. It's not the first time I've encountered a story about dragons, supernatural stuff and powers, but it is my first time encountering a girl protagonist fight for her right to be part of something she's not supposed to be in. Her characteristics reminds of me of Katniss in a way but with a more void set of emotions while the story progressed. All in all, there's a good balance of characters and scenes that made the novel quite exciting as it progressed! And I'm looking forward to the next part!
Go and read Nihal of The Land of The Wind because it's totes worth it!
About The Author:
Licia Troisi was born in Ostia, a little place by the sea near Rome. She’s been passionate about writing since her childhood. She took classical studies at high school and studied astrophysics in the university. She started to write her first trilogy, Cronache del Mondo Emerso (Chronicles from the Emerged World), at the age of 21.
She got married in 2007 and is currently a PhD student in Rome. Music, movies and comics are among her interests.
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